So I (M24) “only” had two sex partners in my life. A one night stand and my current girlfriend. I’m really happy in my relationship but sometimes I get the feeling of missing out on sexual experiences. For example, those two woman are the only naked body’s I’ve ever seen in real life. The only pussys I’ve felt and so on. I think you get the point. I’m just so curious how it would be with different woman.

Is this a normal feeling and how should I deal with it?

Love to hear about similar thoughts either from males or females.

  1. man i agree with you. Im on the exact same situtation. I have my girlfriend now and enjoy her so much and have sex with her. But only had one other seuxal experience. Im ready to hear what other people say but your not alone on this. Its not like i want to cheat on her at all but i feel like im missing out on a lof of experiences with different women

  2. Talk to the girlfriend about threesomes and other experiences so you can get more experience. She may be into it or not. She may want to experience sex with another man too.

    But this is likely to be a long term resentment that could cause problems if the itch isn’t scratched. You don’t want to be cheating. You want to be open and honest.

  3. I get the feeling and I can relate but trust me man, if you’re in a relationship where you are happy and she loves you the way you are for who you are, don’t let that shit go EVER.

    I was in a long term relationship with someone and I gave him 100% of myself all the time thinking he was the same way, but he secretly cheated and desired more.

    I found out the day after we were WEDDING RING shopping and I was broken. I packed up and left him. To this day he contacts me trying to get back together and saying that he’s changed. Even his family reaches out and tells me to give him another chance. His mom thinks I’m his soul mate. Well definitely isn’t mine after the shit he put me through 🤣

  4. I’m 40. I was with a girl for 3 years in high school and have been with my wife for 20 years. Those are my only two sexual partners and I have had similar thoughts. But in the end, it doesn’t really matter how many partners you’ve had. If your current GF is willing to try new things then you can a have all sorts of experiences with her and don’t need other partners. Just try to build a really great sexual relationship with lots of communication and no shame. You two can have a lot of fun together if you put in the effort.

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