My mum (51F) was married to my (23F) dad (51M) who was abusive for years before divorcing. She got out of a 5 year long relationship a few months ago. While I’ve been observing and can see it’s not been a clean break from that relationship. Her ex (60M) simply put was immature, not religious and not wanting to get married. This is just the overarching problems in that relationship. I just want her to move on (and for the most part she has), so I’m encouraging her to have a life outside of us (her kids) and to get involved in hobbies she enjoys. She enjoys stuff like knitting and gardening. Problem is her life has always revolves around her kids, so I think she’s not used to the idea of having the freedom to enjoy her own life unapologetically. She’s a religious woman as well, so she’d like to meet someone on her wavelength. I don’t want her to end up lonely and old as her kids move on with their lives, I’d like her to settle down with someone good for her.

I want for us to go on a family holiday to help get her mind off the situation completely and make her happy.

What else would you suggest I could do to help my mum out?

TLDR: My mum is single, I want to help her find a boyfriend, what can I do?

  1. Maybe encourage her to join some religious fellowship? If she’s not used to enjoying her own life outside of the family, it’s probably better to put her in a friendly group where new connections can be built, right? And people who share a religion are often “on the same wavelength”, no?

  2. Does your mom attend church events? Like Sunday service, bible reading, choir, soup kitchen, etc. Great way to meet people who are also religious and probably like-minded. She’d probably get a few friends out of it if not a partner.

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