I can’t really make small talk with people my age, whenever they say something, I never know what to say, so i say like “Oh that’s nice” or “Cool”. How do I talk to people? I don’t want to seem weird.

1 comment
  1. Here’s a rough outline of how I sometimes do it:
    1. Ask open-ended questions, make observations about surroundings, ask for help/opinions/ thoughts. (This gets your foot in the door)
    2. Use their answers to quickly make a connection.
    3. Use that connection to dive deeper into that topic, or to branch out to other subtopics.
    4. Do more of #1 (get them to talk about themselves)
    5. Make brief eye contact, open body language, positive mindset etc.
    6. Finish with a “well it was nice talking/meeting you, oh and I’m sorry I didn’t get your name…blah blah blah…my names…well hey let me get your phone # (as your already pulling out your phone) real quick and maybe we can … sometime.”

    Works nearly every time. You allowed them to talk, feel special/important, connected on a deeper level, got their contact info, and gave them a lasting impression. Also you finished the conversation with the exchanging of names. It makes the other person feel seen and acknowledged.

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