‘Soft drink’ as in soda pop or any other non-alcoholic beverage that could be considered such.

  1. Pepsi/Diet Pepsi, but I don’t drink a lot of pop besides Diet Coke so my perspective may be limited.

  2. A lot of people are going to say “Moxie”.

    It has a … unique taste to it. A joke that goes around is that the (real) annual Moxie Festival in Maine has contests where the first prize is a case of Moxie and the second prize is two cases of Moxie.

    It was originally sold as medicinal, on the theory that anything that tastes like that must be medicine. It’s sold as an energy drink, now, for much the same reason.

    Personally, I don’t think it’s the worst thing ever (I once tried Polar’s Diet Chocolate Soda, and it was GODAWFUL), but a lot of people do.

  3. I had what I think was a tamarind soda that was fucking awful. Like, it tasted like sweaty shoes smell, it was disgusting.

  4. Everyone: Mt. Dew is the worst!!!

    Me: Quickly hides my hoarded cases of Baja Blast and Code Red in shame

  5. I hated, hated Diet 7Up. Aspartame, lemon-lime flavor, I thought it was disgusting when I was younger.

    Fast forward to now, when I have kidney and diabetes issues, so my drinks have to be zero sugar with no coloring. Guess what’s the only kind of soda I’m allowed to have?

  6. Steven Segal’s energy drink was the single worst thing I’ve ever had in my life.

  7. I did not grow up in Michigan, but im a Michigan resident now.

    And I’m afraid to say the worst pop. I don’t want to die in a hail of downvotes.

  8. La croix… AKA tv static. Or it’s almost like someone thought of a fruit with some sparkling water in their hand and then were like “eh, good enough”

  9. The worst soda I ever had was definitely a bacon flavored one, but I cannot remember the brand.

  10. Probably a diet version of something.

    Diet Pepsi tastes like mop water. Diet Mt Dew is intolerable.

  11. Diet caffeine free Coke comes to mind, was one of a few drinks I could drink growing up but its just a gimmick to appease a particular group of people. Now universally for those who’ve tried it would be the very short lifespan of Jones’ zero calorie drinks

  12. Major one? 7Up is pretty bad. Sierra Mist. Disgusting. Pepsi tastes like what I imagine carbonated kerosene would. Fanta’s flavors are fine, but they burn like hell. Feels like what I imagine carbonated kerosene would.

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