I’ve posted a few times here and my main thing is I’m not sure where to start to improve. My basic issue is I don’t have thoughts to add to conversations, I can’t really process what people say to me and how to respond. I also understand conversations like the logic behind it and how to use conversational threading or the spokes method. I also understand the role of open ended questions and adding comments as well as conversational jump off points that can further a conversation.

My issue is putting this into practice. My brain doesn’t seem to think quick enough which I think is a big issue for this as I can’t really keep up with what the other person is saying. My usual go to is “nice” or “cool” or “that’s awesome” instead of adding a lot to the conversation at hand. So does anyone have any recommendations on where to start/how to improve at this?

1 comment
  1. Tbh, my brain 🧠 sometimes turns off for 2/3 sec when im talking to someone and loose track of the conversation, my go to is to either ask them to reap themselves and ask a question from that, or just keep the usuals and whenever you can catch something, preferably the last thing they said and ask about it and rinse and repeat 🔁

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