I have no idea where I first got this fetish, but I do remember seeing my mother’s leather jacket for the first time and just feeling it, for some reason it felt good to touch and looked cool. I remember distinctly being caught by my mother when I had her jacket in her hands and she brushed it off and thought correctly that I liked leather clothes.

When I went to school, I remember this one girl in kindergarten who wore this leather jacket to school, and I was immediately attracted to her. She wasn’t really a head turner but whenever she wore that jacket or any type of leather clothes I was immediately attracted. And that was the way it went for me for the rest of my years in school. Anytime I would see a girl wearing leather I would be immediately attracted. When I became a teenager it also turned into a sexual attraction, but I never went up to them because I was also very introverted and shy at that time.

To this day, anytime I go out and see a woman in leather I get sexually aroused, but to make it clear I’m not some creep who cannot control his desires. I more or less just fantasize in my own brain. This is more of a rant but I just want to know if anyone else here has the same fetish as I do?

  1. Completely normal fetish to have. There’s a reason leather nights at clubs are such a big common event. I myself would say I enjoy women in leather but prefer straps to full clothes

  2. I love seeing ladies wearing leather. So sexy. Leather usually helps to bring out their sexy curves. Yum.

  3. It’s Normal I love leather on women. Creates this whole Valkyrie warrior badass woman vibe I like.

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