Freshly out of a seven year relationship. Most of my favorite memories, and pics from those moments are with that person.

Every time my memory app refreshes its reminders of new set of old pics, she’s there. But I don’t really want to delete them, but feel like I should.

  1. I deleted them, not out of spite or angst but because keeping them around felt wrong even outside of a relationship.

  2. You should.

    Whenever I leave a serious relationship, I delete all photos ESPECIALLY any intimate photos.

    It helps with the healing process. You’re not healing the right way if you keep going back to those pictures.

  3. Didn’t have to manage them….she deleted and burnt all photos of us.

  4. Move those pictures out of the app.

    Put them on an external hard drive, back them up somewhere online you don’t go to usually.

    It is nice to have pictures of memories when you want them. In the meantime they are out of sight, and you always have the option of deleting them later.

  5. One delete all the Snapchat memories. Fuck that app and it’s daily reminder of x years ago today. If you have pictures on onedrive/Icloud or something it’s a bit different.

    Obviously you don’t want to delete years of your own life but you do want to delete her memory from those years. It can be really hard but I would either bury all of the pics deep in a folder somewhere if you don’t want to make a decision just yet. Or go through ALL of them and delete all the ones of you kissing or cuddling or anything like that. You can keep some of them where you’re visiting somewhere (like mt. Rushmore) or if there are really important pictures you can get them professionally cropped out.

  6. I deleted them for various reasons depending on the ex, but for the most part it was more painful to keep them and remember the good thing that went bad.

  7. Delete them all and block her on social media, go no contract and act like she doesn’t exist anymore, otherwise, you’re going to spend the next year or two dwelling on the past, holding yourself back from meeting new people and getting on with life…rip band-aid off bro! you will have to do it at some point anyway so it’s better now than 6 months from now…it won’t be easy but it must be done…just make a promise to yourself “I’ll go no contact for 6 months” use the time to focus on yourself and your goals, start the process of moving on, cry when you need to, journal your thoughts BUT don’t look back! don’t look at old photos, don’t talk to her, just move the f$%k on!

  8. I torched everything and deleted every single thing I could for one ex. Rather pretend she died or never existed. Other ex’s I have a few pictures of fun times. Really depends on how you’re feeling and if you think you’d enjoy looking back on them in the future

  9. The physical ones that we have are in a photo album somewhere at my parents house

    As far as any digital photos we have I haven’t going back to clear out my social media or anything but it’s not like I uploaded a shit ton of photos of us together on there or anything, anything else digital especially anything that was intimate I have saved in a locked folder on one of my laptops

  10. Everyone is different. There isn’t necessarily a right or wrong answer. Some people are more sensitive and nostalgic. They hang on to things that are relics and mementos of a part of their life. I have almost nothing from the years I was together with my deceased wife. We were together roughly 5 years before she passed. I have a shoe box of memories that stays in the top of my closet. That’s all that I have of her. I have looked at the photos in that box in a LOOOOOONG time. Not sure why. I’ve moved on in life and I am happy. But an emotional side of me feels that if I throw those things out, it’s like throwing a part of her away.

  11. Delete them. Quit being a wuss clinging onto memories of a woman who isn’t in your life anymore.

  12. I know I’m going to be an outlier here, but I say maybe just keep them put away where you won’t easily access them and just let it be. I have an innate fear that one day my memory is going to fade and all I’ll have are my memories, and even then…

    I still have a lot of the memorabilia from my first real love and I don’t plan on throwing it out. Just like the photo albums of relatives passed, it’s nice to look back on and reminisce sometimes. Well, for me personally 🙂

  13. Deleted all presence of her from my life. Purged my hard drive of her nastiness and blocked her and anyone we mutually met.

    Fuck that nasty hoe.

  14. I deleted them because i would always come back to those memories instead of moving on. The relationship is over. There’s nothing to salvage from it (usually). It ended for a reason, and you can’t cling to it eternally.

  15. I would definitely delete all the naught pictures

    With other just genuine memory pictures, I would move them to a folder and mute the folder

  16. I pulled them all off my phone and social media. Put them on a spare hard drive and never bothered them again.

    I don’t believe in deleting photos, I come with a past. I don’t make my husband delete or throw away photos. He comes with a past. Just put them up. Out of sight and out of mind.

    The only photos I did delete and would throw a certified fit over is nudes. No reason to hang out to any exes nudes

  17. Folder under Pictures with the Hidden tag activated while making sure that the “Display hidden files and folders” option is off

    Thst way, it’s there and it isn’t at the same time, just like the memory.

  18. Saved in a folder along with so many others from my past. Not backed up to Google photos or whatever so they never come up but this person was part of your life, the reminders of those years can be beneficial (ie. don’t date someone who does X, remember Stacy the crazy).

    The nudes are definitely saved though.

  19. My wife was going to toss a bunch of printed pics of her ex out (Not a bad breakup)

    I told her she should keep them as it might be fun to look at in 10-20 years.

    That was 15 years ago and I think she still has that box.

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