I can meet women and hold conversations and talk to them, but I can not really exude any romantic or flirty energy while trying to talk to women. However, when talking to women on dating apps or through text it’s soooo much easier to flirt. I think it’s because I prefer to keep conversations platonic so I don’t get rejected. but I don’t know. anyone else struggling with this?

1 comment
  1. Try and have fun in the conversation. Don’t think of it like “I need to say something” think of it more like “I want to have fun right now”. Say whatever you think is funny, if people don’t like that who cares you wouldn’t want to be around them anyway.

    Let them talk and try to find ways to flip the perspective of what they said to something funny. “I just read this book” , “wow you can read??? I’m impressed” say it with a sarcastic smile. A lot of it isn’t what you say but how you say it. You would be shocked at what you can get away with if you give off the right energy.

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