So in a month I am planning to host a party in my garden. I am going to put in a 4×12 marquee which will still be within my property. It will start in the morning and probably end late evening. There will be about 40 or so people. It will be loud with people and there will be music which will not be too loud. So I am wondering if I need to tell my neighbours about it. It is a terraced house with 3 neighbours on either side. Thanks

  1. I don’t think you “need” to tell them, but it might be worth considering whether it might still be a good idea. They might appreciate the heads up and sometimes people react less badly when they are told about something in advance. But that’s really a judgement call for you to make I think.

  2. Depends how you define late evening. Ending by 8pm? I wouldn’t bother. Ending at midnight? I definitely would. 10pm? I’d base it on the neighbours.

    No one can expect to live in a perfectly quiet world and I think one day disruption is not a big deal. But people will get upset about losing out on sleep, especially if they have to work the next day or have kids etc.

  3. I would say yes deffo, I have neigjbours who regualarly have massive parties with a gig sized sound system and the cumulative noise is incredible, with the last one I went round at about 12 midnight and politely told them to rack it the fuck down as the din was just awfu, they were cool about it and turned it down, we are an autistic family and If I get a heads up we can stay elsewhere.

    Double this for hot days when many sleep with windows open. You may not get complaints but that does not mean you don’t have dozens of seething pissed off neighbours who are reluctant to complain and be “that neighbour”

  4. I think it’s a nice gesture, just write a little slip to say you’re having a party with music, it’ll end at x time, please call x if the music is too loud.

  5. Just make sure your invitees pay £14 if you are having chicken. Otherwise your neighbours will call a councilman and ruin your party.

  6. I would tell them as a courtesy, a couple of weeks beforehand. You’d appreciate it if they were going to do similar, wouldn’t you?

  7. A lott of the resentment is the perception “we don’t give a fuck” and that ypu are inconsiderate, a heads up shows you care enough. Also sound can carry a looooong way on a clear night, it may be disturbing people beyong your terrace.

  8. Tell them well ahead of time so if they don’t want to put up with it and if you are not inviting them, they can go out for the day or some thing.

  9. Yes I always apologise in advance and my neighbours do the same back when they have parties.

  10. Not necessarily, unless you intend to bang on the wall/break up huge blocks of ice at 2am

  11. If they have small kids who might be going to bed before the party ends you might want to tell them.

  12. It is the not knowing that gets me with neighbours and parties. But we do have a few student houses nearby, so if I saw a marquee going up then later some music going on I’d be worried it would turn into another night of drum n bass wafting in until 3am and increasing numbers of people turning up. If I was told it was a small gathering, done by midnight then I’d be totally at ease. It is more music than talking that gets me with parties, it can really travel. Talking becomes more of a background noise.

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