I have been with my girlfriend for just over a year, we’re only teenagers so we have to message a lot of the time as we don’t live together. But whenever we have to message I am waiting at least an hour for her to respond to practically every message I send, so I end up sending like 5 messages to try and get her attention before she ends up responding. I know it’s petty but I have problems and all I do while she doesn’t respond is sit there and procrastinate about what she could be doing and why she isn’t responding. She’s always at home just doing whatever she does to chill out and I 100% believe that she is actually doing this. But while she doesn’t respond to me, she’ll be sat there scrolling through facebook (I accidentally discovered that I can see when she’s active on facebook and now I feel like a creepy stalker because I look so that I can see if she’s active but just not responding to me, she’s always active on facebook btw). I know I need to grow up and try to get on with it but it’s just annoying because she knows it bothers me and she always says that she’ll respond quicker but nothing ever changes.

The next thing is that she fell out with her friend group a while back and I have done nothing but support her through it, but she’s been friends with a new group for about 2 months or so and we both go out with this group because they’re nice people. But now she’s started to prioritise them over me for everything, and I’m sick of feeling like I always come 2nd place when I’ve done nothing but support her. I have to sit on my own in college because now I’ve stopped speaking to 2 of my friends as much (it’s not her fault that I’ve done this it’s just I stopped caring as much because I’ve realised that one of them isn’t the nicest person in the world) and she sits with this new group but she could ask me to come and sit with her considering I speak to that group too but nah she leaves me to sit on my own half the time. Anyway, I started having an anxiety attack in college one day while I was on my own and she realised so she walked over to me and said “For fuck sake now I have to come over here and sit with you”. I’ve brought this up a few times but I don’t think she realises how much this upset me and affected me mentally.

Next, we got invited to a girls birthday party and we said we’d go but this group all smokes so I said to her beforehand that I know she’s going to end up smoking (Btw I don’t like smoking and neither did my girlfriend) and she responded with something along the lines of “no why would I do that, I don’t like smoking and I wouldn’t want to”. We get to the party, she starts vaping. She then started asking someone if they could buy her vapes, they said that they would. She knew that I was annoyed and said to me something along the lines of that she knows I hate her. So I said “no of course i don’t fucking hate you, I love you” to which she gets in my face and blows smoke at me basically just to say fuck you. The next day she swore to me that she doesn’t want a vape and that she isn’t getting anyone to buy her them, needless to say that this was a massive lie and I could tell because she can’t lie to save her life. But I was trying to get her to admit she was lying and she eventually said to me “thanks because you obviously don’t trust me” so this made me feel guilty and like a dickhead so I dropped the subject. A few days later I brought it up again and she eventually laughed and said “yeah I’m getting someone to buy me a vape, I was lying sorry”. I got angry because I just learned that my gf was lying to me, manipulating me and guilt tripping me which made me feel like shit.

Anyway, this was my rant, it’s so stupid compared to the actual serious problems on this page, but it just felt good to write about it. But anyway, any advice would be great. Thank you if you actually read this too!

1 comment
  1. You’re teens! Still young and have lots of life left there’s no point settling. By the sounds of it she isn’t prepared for a serious relationship.

    Also, some people don’t like texting all day. I personally don’t and have had to mention this in previous relationships. I would much rather them FaceTime me and we not talk after for a few hours then texting all the time.

    Is there no hobbies you can do in your free time? Any friends you can speak to also?

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