I have been a shut in for the past few years but even before that it has been very long since I have dated. I recently decided I want to date and downloaded tinder but havent had much success. Recently a friend of a family member saw a video with me in it and said I was cute and she wanted to go out with me. This came out of the blue and is great news to me but also makes me extremely nervous. I dont have a social life outside of work and can be shy. Any advice?

1 comment
  1. Wow, what a random way to get a date in this time ahah.
    In all honesty, make sure you don’t compromise on BASIC manners. Look clean when you go (get a haircut, fix facial hair, wear decent clothes). Make sure you smell nice too obviously.

    Give her a brief hug when you meet her, and compliment something about her as she’s probably put in effort to look the way she looks, so that’s always appreciated. When your talking, make sure she’s engaged, if she’s not then try to switch the convo into something she might like. Ask her questions, be inquisitive. Simple ones are easiest and if she’s interested then they’ll typically lead from one thing to the next and you’ll have a good flowing conversation.

    Finally, remember that you’re meant to have fun too. So enjoy yourself! If you’re not having fun then it’s ok to decide that maybe this isn’t it. In that case, sit the date out, and perhaps later on (another day) let her know how you felt. In all honesty, if you guys know each other you probably will get along so this last part wasn’t so relevant.

    You do all these simple things and you should be just fine.

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