Read an interesting short story last night and it got me thinking. Would anyone actually want to know when they were going to die? Why or why not?

  1. Yes, then I can know if I should be prioritizing other aspects in my life. Why save up so much money if I’ll just die without ever getting to use it? I can also make a more conscious effort to make more memories with loved ones while I’m here.

  2. No, because then the rest of my life is going to be spent anticipating death instead of enjoying life.

  3. No. My boss at the Thai restaurant I used to work once gave me a fortune telling (I didn’t request it or anything), including how old I’d get before dying. Although sceptical about thse kind of things, I didn’t like knowing, and I dislike the idea that my whole life is already set out and I have no say in it. Luckily, some events that she said would happen sooner in my life, didn’t happen so that put my mind at ease about my death too lol.

  4. No, thanks. While the part of me that loves to obsessively plan for all contingencies would love to say yes to this, the answer is definitely no.

    I would worry too much about whether I was doing everything in life and stress over “what if I don’t have time” to finish everything. I would worry about how my loved ones would be hurt by my impending death. I’d be bothered by all the time I was “wasting” in my daily life. I would have to keep it a secret so that no one else would spend their time worrying about it. As it started to come nearer, I would end up withdrawing from my life and avoiding starting any projects or creating any human connections. The final days of my life would just be a waiting room for death. There’s enough chance that that would happen through illness or disease; I don’t need to know the date that my death is approaching even while I’m happily healthy. I’d rather just take it day by day and not have the concerns. Everyone dies sometime, so I just try to live and enjoy my life day by day.

  5. No, because I have OCD and anxiety and I just know that would become one of those intrusive thoughts that just hangs over the rest of my life. I would be constantly trying to not think about it and trying to find ways to distract myself from it.

  6. Yes. I’m planning to live until 90, so am being cautious in my day-to-day life, such as diet, exercise, sunblock, etc., etc. If I knew I wasn’t going to live that long, I would alter my behavior to enjoy things more. Like chocolate cake.

  7. No, it’s not something I want to anticipate that way. Plus I like to think that my choices and decisions impact what happens and I feel like that is negated I’d your death is predictable like that

  8. No, I think it would make life more stressful and increase the pressure of the things I want to do and people I want to see/be around. I like to think I’m going to live a pretty long life, so I would rather think than instead of knowing it’s shorter than I’m expecting

  9. Yes, I need to know if I end up surviving my mental health issues or if I end up in a fatal car accident.

  10. Yes. I want to know how much time I have left so I can reasonably whittle down my bucket list and act accordingly

  11. No way, I already have anxiety. I would need BIG meds if I had that knowledge.

  12. I would want to know.

    I don’t want to spend the next 40+ years grinding away trying to save for retirement if I’m never gonna get to enjoy it, knowing I was gonna die in like 20-35 years would really reduce the stress of wondering how the fuck I’ll afford to retire.

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