Nobody wants to think of life as being a random game of chance but rather than viewing that as depressing Ive grown to see it as a reason to cut oneself some slack

I’ve got a cousin who’s painfully shy and had never had a girlfriend until his mum sat next to a cute girl on a flight and ended up mentioning him and somehow got them to video call even though they lived in different cities, they got on well enough, met up, and now they’re getting married 3 years later.

My other cousin is much more interesting and outgoing and has dated tons but never found someone long term and really not through any fault of his own, it’s always something external and most often them leaving their town for work (he’s tied down because he’s got a big farm type property with multiple dogs and it would be much more expensive to move elsewhere)

We can put ourselves out there and do the preparations to try and capitalise on our luck but it’s still such an important factor in everything but especially dating.

  1. Yes, Absolutely! You can be the top scorer at much of what you take on in life. Perhaps even have admiration or envy shining upon you. But we can only do so much when it comes to happening upon the kind of people you wish to have in your life. The “Lottery” aspect of mating is an endless puzzle for many, and for some it’s just plain painful. But once you face that much of it is indeed a worldwide Powerball tournament, with little rhyme or reason as to who “wins”, the better off you’ll be…..because you can adjust your thought processes accordingly about it all.

  2. If you swipe 200000 women on Tinder, luck is out of the question.

    Luck only comes into effect with low sample size/draw size. So just increase the amount of women you meet and “luck” just comes down to time and with high frequency, that “time” is a couple of years max for a great family-building relationship.

  3. > I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, “Wouldn’t it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them?” So now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe.

    – Marcus, Babylon 5

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