So recently I’ve started some medication and there are a lot of side effects including depression etc. I’m not sure if it’s the medication making me moody or depressed or if im really considering breaking up eith my boyfriend.

Ive been at this point with him before, but that was at one of my lowest points and I was extremely irritable and impulsive and nearly sent the message a few times. Now I absolutely adore this man, he means so much to me and idk what I’d do if I was to lose him or made him upset.

my main issue is I dont know if I should stay with him or not. Sometimes im fine and i love him and want to be with him forever and other times i want to leave him and don’t think i can handle being eith him anymore. He does a lot for me and is pretty well always there for me, but his social knowledge is lacking so he frequently doesnt pick up on anything, including when people flirt with him or when I’m upset. He’s great and I’m his first real relationship and we’ve been a lot of eachothers firsts and I dont want to ruin it, but I also don’t want to stay with him if it’ll be detrimental for his wellbeing.

He seems to be happy enough eith how everything is and I often dont tell him a lot of what I’m feeling (mainly jealousy and just feeling left out or not good enough) becaude I dont want to burst his bubble, but I know this week I’ve been very off and bitchy and yeah idk what i should do with him

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