What are the most recycled questions in this sub?

  1. “What are signs a partner is toxic”

    “What would you do if you woke up as the opposite sex”

    “What would/did you do if your partner cheated”

    “How do i get girls to like me”

    Shit like these.

  2. 1. What is something ___ does that we get judged for, what double standard do we face that’s not fair

    2. How do I know someone likes me?

    3. How do o build my confidence etc..

  3. More of a theme that a question – women constantly saying yes to toxic guys after rejecting genuinely caring ones, just because they seemed “confident, charming and out going” and then proceeding to wonder why the guy doesn’t give her attention.

  4. Do men on the internet like ‘x’?

    I am asking because I am incapable of having an adult conversation with my partner.

  5. ” how do I let this guy know I like hom without learning how to communicate”

  6. Oddly specific questions asked by women who didn’t think of asking it to their significant other.

  7. My gf did <this> infront of me. What other relationship advances shall i expect soon?

  8. What perfume do guys like?
    Do guys like to be approached ( or some variation of this)
    Why do men…
    How do you know when a guy likes you?
    How do I let guy know that I like him without telling him.

    These are just off the top of my head there tons more.

  9. What do I do when someone is obviously toxic with me?

    What pisses you off for no reasons?

    Tips on how to be more manly?

    Dating advice or life advice for 20 years old?

    Old gents on this sub what type of advice do you have for young adults?

    Any medical question instead of going directly to the doc

    What a thing women can do and men can’t? or anything related to what the other gender have and the other don’t, and vice versa, definitely this one will get you a ton of karma on this sub.

  10. What do straight men think when a gay man hits on them?

    What do guys know about periods? (Usually asked with intent to suggest that guys should be able to pass an aptitide test to satisfy the asker that they aren’t all horrible people.)

    How do I keep the last little bit of pee from getting in my underwear?

    What is the best way to approach a guy on the topic of ED?

    What kind of wallet do you use? (Obviously someone that sells wallets trying to drum up sales.)

    Where do single men that won’t use me go besides work and the grocery store?

    Do men expect perfect looking cartoon vaginas?

    Has any other guy never gotten a single tinder match after the first week or is it just me?

    Why are so many men against therapy? (Resulting in everyone comically suggesting that everyone needs therapy all the time for everything to show how pro-therapy they are.)

    Do other guys sit down when they pee?

    Why are all the questions here about women, underwear, and pee?

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