I’ve recently read about this thing called the Selective Service System that all 18-25 year olds must register for, but I’ve never heard anyone on social media talking about it in any context (as opposed to social security etc). What is it all about?

  1. Its 18-25 year old males.

    It isn’t technically the draft, its just a list to be on in case a draft is ever needed. Even if a draft were instituted it would have any number of exceptions and not everyone on the SSS is eligible for service in the military.

    Its probably not talked about because its a mundane thing you just have to do when you turn 18, and the likelihood of a draft ever coming back is close to zero.

    Not registering for Selective Service can come back to haunt you as it may make it harder to get federal student loans, pell grants, or be hired in the federal work force.

  2. Yeah, as far as I know, you have to. I don’t remember that I had a choice when I turned 18, but that was a while ago.

  3. Yeah I registered when I turned 18, I think it was just filling out a form at the post office

  4. I tried to register when I was 18 and was instantly rejected. I actually object to Selective Service’s existence in the first place, but since it exists, I don’t think it’s fair that only men have to do it.

    (Edited to fix typo.)

  5. I was at 18. However at 37 now, I seriously doubt I would be called upon to serve.

  6. Yeah, almost every male over 18 is registered. The chances of actually being drafted are extremely low, and there’s been talk of ditching the selective service.

  7. yeah, almost every male is. In many states its done when you get your drivers license.

  8. Yeah it’s illegal not to register. They sent me a letter or something to fill out when I turned 18 and I sent it in. Or maybe I did it at the DMV or something? I dunno man it was 15 years ago haha

  9. Pretty sure I received a letter that said I was registered, maybe a month after I turned 18. It’s really not a big deal. Even with the recent decrease in new people joining the military, we have over a million active duty, and nearly another million in the reserves. So for most people it’s like registering to vote, the thing it’s for is what’s important, and not the actual registration, and wouldn’t really be worth mentioning

  10. Yes.

    If you are a man over age 18 it’s a requirement.

    It means that god forbid they reconstitute the draft I could get shanghaied into the military.

    I am probably of an age where I would be low on their list but it’s still a possibility.

  11. I was a Manager that hired people to work for the federal government. I offered one guy a job when HR did his background check they found out he had not registered for selective service and could therefore not get a government job.

  12. Registered when I turned 18. Just had to go to the courthouse and it took like five minuets.

  13. I registered with Selective Services when I turned 18. I had to like check a box, or maybe fill out a half page form or something. It was like 2 decades ago I don’t really remember it.

    I heard a federal judge was reviewing a case and going to make a ruling that said the government had to either abolish it entirely or make it both men and women which made me happy from a “Yeah government! Follow your fuckin rules!” stand point but I haven’t heard anything about that recently. It’s not exactly a high priority on peoples minds.

  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_Service_System

    Yes, the vast majority of us who were required to did. There’s nothing technically punitive for not doing so, but you will be ineligible for federal loans, federal jobs, etc if you don’t.

    It’s not a big deal because the likelihood of a draft ever happening again is so low that in the event that it is, we’re in a very very very bad place.

  15. It’s not the draft you’re registering for. It’s the list from which a draft would pull from. There would need to be a conflict where there is either a foreign invader to the US mainland (extremely unlikely) or the US doing an invasion similar to D Day. 1.3 million active duty with another 800,000 reserve forces. And then 400,000 National Guard.

  16. I got my selective service notice. I just tore it up. Never registered.

    Of course I was in The Navy, serving aboard a Destroyer in the Western Pacific at the time.

    The really crazy part is, they mailed the notice to my Address on the ship, including my military rank.

  17. Every male has to register pretty much.

    You lock yourself out of any government job, and financial assistance or safety net programs etc. if you don’t.

    That’s said, there will also never be a draft again – at least not that looks anything like WW2 or Vietnam.

    The American military is a specialized fighting force that would be made weaker and less effective by the addition of millions fat, unwilling and – critically – untrained soldiers, sailors, and airmen.

  18. Yea I am registered with the Selective Service. I was required to sign up at 18. I’m male and 25 so there is no backing out of that one.

    That being said, the odds of us going back to a non-voluntary military ever again are pretty slim. We’d have to get involved in a pretty big war for it to be needed. So it’s not that big of a deal.

  19. No, I’m a woman. But also, I volunteered for the military. Yes, all males have to register at 18, to get any Federal benefits like student aid. It’s quick and easy.

  20. I am, yeah. You have to when you turn 18 and that’s the last time most people think about it haha

  21. Yes, but the US will never do a draft again. It would be very much against their interest to do so.

  22. I was registered. Now I’m in my 30’s and it doesn’t apply to me. The government could always say “fuck it” and re-instate the draft with a higher age ceiling but, for now, I don’t care.

    If you don’t register, you are unlikely to be prosecuted. However, don’t expect any federal employment, loans, or scholarships.

  23. Yeah, basically all biological males are because you have to. You wait long enough you’ve committed a crime but the big thing is trouble getting federal loans for college among other things. Sign up, american males, there is no disadvantage to doing so and your life gets way more complicated if you dont.

  24. I submitted mine when I was 18. I have in my firebox.

    You register for it so if congress calls for a draft your name is on the list. I never heard of anyone getting in trouble for not doing it. I registered so that I could receive cash for college.

  25. Yeah, when I turned 18 I got something in the mail for it iirc and I just filled it out in like 2 minutes, put it in the provided pre-paid envelope, placed that in the mailbox with the little flag up and pretty much never thought about it again. I think the reason its not talked about much is because it has such a minimal impact on people’s lives in reality that it’s just not worth discussing for the most part.

  26. Only men are required to register so no. My brothers are though. I think they check that you’re registered when you apply for an ID or school financial aid but I’m not totally sure because I was never asked

    Edit: this actually brings up a question to me: what is the requirement for trans people? I’m actually not really sure there (though in general it seems unfair that my brothers have to sign up and I don’t)

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