I overheard a conversion (I was in the room) at my job the other day between the owner of an electric company and one of my bosses in regards to young apprentices starting out in the trades. The guy stated that he would often look at young men in their early twenties and think of them as being kids, then said that when a young man takes control of his life and his career that is when he becomes a man.

What do you think it means to take control of your life?

  1. Ownership of your life, your actions, your decisions, and the resulting outcomes.

    Have you ever heard an effective leader complain about how hard their job is, or how such and such doesn’t like them?

    Have you ever heard a driven, successful person spend their time bemoaning things that didn’t work out on social media?

    The day you wake up, remove all excuses for your situation and circumstances from your thinking, and move forward with complete ownership of your work, relationships, and actions, you’ll have taken control of your life.

  2. To know what you want and how to get it. The how to get it part takes experience, and to some extent what you want, both of which develop into wisdom over decades.

    At my job I wouldn’t necessarily say I “know what to do” the answer just comes to me when I encounter a problem. That type of intuition is borne out of lots of experience (including the really bad ones).

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