I’m a 26F and my boyfriend is 29M, we’ve dating for almost two years now, and we are good but lately I was wandering like, if I have a glow up will it make him like me more or just because we are already in a relationship he will want me the same?

Like does look still matter even in a longterm relationship?

  1. Looks and physical attraction almost always matter in a relationship. While other qualities are also important to say the physical stuff doesn’t matter either is just false.

    If you want to do a make over to make yourself feel good do it for you, if that gives you confidence your boyfriend will most likely notice. Confidence is attractive.

  2. This is framed in such a weird way. Glow up this or that. Yes, putting more effort into your appearance in order to be more attractive is generally appreciated by your partner, who is indeed attracted to you.

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