Hi! Am Dominican (13m) and I always wanted to travel or even move to the USA with my father, maybe a place like Florida, NYC (or the upstate which the place my dad likes the most) I really like all the things you do and your lifestyle! I’ve never left my country so I don’t really know how a lot of things work in there besides some major things as politics and maybe a couple of things related to your society, so I would really appreciate if someone some facts about American society (even better if you compare it to Latin Society too)!

PD: I would also answer whatever y’al ask me about my life here in DR! Thanks beforehand.

  1. Please don’t use “lady” as a way of getting peoples attention. My gf who is Honduran does this all the time and she thinks I’m being patronising when I explain to her that’s kinda rude I’m English

  2. Americans in general care more about personal space than people from Latin countries. Don’t stand too physically close to people, and do not kiss or hug anyone you don’t know very well, even if they’ve done something nice for you. See rule number 1 in this [Wolter’s World](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2w6ephOxnTY&t=659s) video.

  3. If you speak Spanish with anyone dial down the speed at least 50%. You Dominicans speak at warp speed.

    Joking aside, just enjoy yourself! Get out in the American culture. Don’t feel shy. Don’t be shy about speaking English. Especially at 13 you will quickly find yourself fitting in.

    Spend as much time as you can hanging out with Americans.

  4. Don’t understimate the size of the US. You can fit almost three DRs into New York state alone. Florida is also a very large state and the experience of living in Key West or Miami is going to be completely different than the inland parts of Florida.

  5. Some of the best baseball players here are from the DR. Go to an MLB game if you have the chance. Even minor league games, those are usually a lot of fun and less expensive.

    Most government services are available in Spanish if needed. Many medical providers would have translators or a translator service available should you need medical assistance.

  6. As others said, it’s friggin big here. Don’t assume you can see everything in a week or 2.

    NYC specifically is a lot, obviously. Decide beforehand if you want to spend a lot of time in NYC, or if you want to see other places around. Boston, Washington DC, and Philly are all within a 6 hour drive, or less on a train.

    Florida takes a good 12 hours to drive top to bottom. Miami and Orlando are full of northerners, but once you drive inland or into the panhandle it looks a lot more like the Deep South.

  7. Where are you from? I worked for awhile in Puerto Plata and I fell in love with the area and people.

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