For me, I haven’t talked to anyone in months. I’m 21, and I have no irl friends. I have talked on discord before and met some people there but that’s it. But other than that, I don’t see much of a point of being social and maintaining friends. Like, I don’t see the goal here? What do you even talk about? I’ve been isolated for months but I keep myself company with twitch and youtube primarily to pass time. When I see other people socializing I never seemed to get the appeal. What’s the end goal? It seems to me that most people, if not all people are just existing to fuel their own needs and having friends and a social life is just to pass time. I haven’t had a social life my whole life and I’ve been mostly fine except for my other mental health issues but is there something I’m missing? Like do I just message someone “hey how are you doing?” Then what? What do you talk about? Why would I need to talk to people anyways they seem to come and go in my life like objects.

I’ve considered hanging out with someone I knew before but then you gotta maintain the friendship and that’s exhausting. How do people have time for this? It’s like a chore.

  1. Most people are not self reliant. I spend a ton of time alone too and have done the mental gymnastics that come with it. Social interaction for the most part makes me uncomfortable bc autism but I still try to do it anyway bc if it goes well it’s def a dopamine and oxytocin boost for me. If u lack the empathy to care about someone else’s emotions then being social won’t fill that void. Just be careful confusing your baseline state with what you actually like and want. Maybe more realistically than lacking complete empathy you just feel this way to avoid the hurt of rejection. My 13 year old nephew has been through some weird tough shit already and carries a “who cares less gets hurt less” mentality already from trauma and not having his needs met.

  2. Socialization is a pretty important part of a healthy human life. It has numerous benefits and it’s generally just an all around fun thing to engage in. You don’t have to be at a friend’s side at all hours of the day.

  3. What do you do with co workers? Or do you work remotely?work is usually the easiest place to make friends for me. The type of job i do requires me to work together with people so thats usually how my interactions start. Usually always start out talking about the job then the conversations open up over time.

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