Do you tell them everything? Are you close? Can you have deep conversations? Etc.

Just curious. After some conversations with friends I’m seeing it can vary greatly

Edit: Just wanted to point out that I LOVE my brother. He inspires me and I look up to him. I think he’s brilliant.

  1. When she gets her hand stuck in the sink I will usually… never mind.

  2. She was basically my mother, I grew up with very neglectful parents which meant that she had to raise me. I told her everything, she was my closest friend. Whenever our parents would yell at each other she’d sneak into my bedroom to comfort me, she was always there for me. When I ended up homeless as a teenager she took me in and became my legal guardian. I lost her to a drug overdose in my early twenties, I mourn her more than I mourn either of my parents. I miss her constantly.

  3. I don’t care for her. Our parents indulged her like crazy and so she acts like a spoiled princess. And so she can’t stand the fact that I don’t give in to her self-indulgent requests.

  4. Me and my sis are alright. I feel as though we’re somewhat closer as adults, than we were as kids, but not still not as close as we should or could be. Don’t really talk too much, since we’re both busy with work, plus on different sides of the country.

    Like you said about your brother OP, I do love my sis.

  5. As close as we can be being 2 time zones apart. I share more interests with my youngest sister but share a similar attitude with the older sis and have more serious conversations with or bounce ideas off of. I didn’t really start appreciating them until I was about 18.

  6. My gf’s lady friends have basically adopted me and are like sisters to me now, overreactive and affectionate sisters. I’m this 6ft muscle bound Dave Grohl looking guy, and they baby me and call me cute all the time. They come over and hang at our place every weekend like the dwarves did in The Hobbit.

    I tell them a lot, a bit less than I do my best friend. But she’s the Scully to my Mulder . One thing I told them about recently was how I got banned from r/sex for saying that I would enjoy being with a woman who had a huge clit and would play with it like a cat would something. As a mod said it was “body shaming” they all were baffled and just went into it about how someone could consider that body shaming.

    One of my gf’s friends is a lesbian and she got married recently, and she asked me to be her best man. And handle making the wedding cake.

  7. Basically after years of not talking due to thinking I was the favorite when it was just a matter of circumstances with their mom. We recently started talking again. I still feel some type of way of being blamed for something I have no control over as a child, but I’m happy we started again. I usually said I was on only child.

  8. I have 2 sisters. We cool. 1 is super successful just bought a 2.5M houses with her husband and has 2 amazing toddlers. Other sister is chaos but luckily bmet a nice guy who married her and they bought a house a few years ago. She doing OK and I’m so glad I dont have to help her financially. We hang out and stuff all the time.

  9. I have 2 sisters, 1 I grew up with and 1 I just recently met. Me and the one I just met are not close and we text maybe once a month. The one I grew up with is 9 years older and we have been very close, she always took care of me when I was younger. We always went to movies and I really started to confide in her more as I got to college about personal stuff, even more than my parents. We still talk on the phone every couple of weeks but she lives in another state so we’re not as close as we use to be.

  10. My sister and I did not grow up together. Being adopted, I always knew that there was the possibility of a sibling or a half-sibling out there but I never pursued it. So when her family came looking for me in my mid-30s, I was kind of shocked.

    That said, in the last quarter-century we’ve managed to build a remarkably normal sibling relationship. We’re friends and confidants and sometimes we get on each other’s nerves but it’s never too serious, and both of us regret not having gotten to grow up together. She especially harbors some envy because my adoptive parents were pretty decent folk and her mom…wasn’t.

  11. I have 5 sisters and I don’t talk to any of them mostly because they either want me to give them money or tell me about every bit of drama in their lives

  12. I adore my little sister, she’s like a best friend to me and we can talk about anything.

  13. Haven’t spoken to her in about 12 years and want nothing to do with her life.

  14. I trust their advice on many things, I love them a lot and they love me a lot

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