I can’t sing, I want to karaoke, but I can’t sing.

  1. Should have heard them here earlier – they were blasting some vroom vroom vroom 90s meme song and sounded like cats fighting.

    Made me realise drunk people don’t know how bad they are singing so I guess the trick is get everyone drunk

  2. Anything by The Ramones or by The Clash.

    If you are the first on for the night, then My Way by Frank Sinatra.

    You won’t be able to sing it well, but fuck that song up at the start and nobody will sing it for the rest of the evening, and that is a plus.

  3. If you can put on a Shaggy voice then do Shaggy-Angels and get someone else to do the Rayvon singing parts.

    You don’t even need to get the words right, just the rhythm, slight tune, and vague syllables.

  4. I always ask if they have a good instrumental.

    They never do but one day I’ll be lucky

  5. “We will rock you” by Queen is easy, short, and the audience will “sing” it with you. Job done.

  6. Sing things that the audience will sing along too. Classics that everyone knows the lyrics too even if they can’t read the screen. We will rock you is a good one unless everyone is very young.

  7. Golden Brown by the Stranglers is mostly in a bit of a low monotone, and is very short.

  8. Baz Lurman – Wear Sunscreen – all talk, no singing

    Also, almost anything by Ian Drury and the Blockheads.

    Optional – take the ‘Shatner method’ and do spoken word to everything..

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