What helps you to overcome periods of bitterness?

  1. If I’m having any troubles in my life or anxiety, I go to the gym, I also go to the gym when I’m happy too. Excercise is good to help my mood or at least be too tired to think about things that stress me out. It also gives me some satisfaction to be fitter and healthier than someone who might have upset me.

  2. The fact that being bitter only hurts me. It’s like the quote about drinking poison and expecting someone else to die. Spending my time being bitter harms me without doing anything to fix the situation or move on from it. It’s far healthier for me to just let go, assert my boundaries, and move on. Dragging bitterness along with me just binds me to something that has no value to me and serves no purpose.

  3. Taking a really lazy day, and spending it with my cats – playing when they want to play, cuddling when they want to snuggle. I love them to bits and watching them sleep with not a care in the world is somehow very soothing.

  4. I tell the person that pissed me off. No one deserves to make me feel bad and not know about it. Communication is key.

  5. Talking about it. If I’m feeling bitter, it’s usually because I feel like I’ve been wronged or mistreated. In these situations I’m never allowed to even tell my side of the story or explain why I’m feeling some type of way. Just getting it out and off my chest eases the bitterness and I’m able to let it go and move on.

  6. Finding something distracting. I found out that working out and cleaning has been helping me. I also like to listen to asmr, and i think it helps me relax. Breathing in and out and just walking away from things. Talking to people or writing about it/venting helps me too.

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