what will you do if you become the only person left on this globe?

  1. Skyrim mode. Wander around exploring. Upgrade gear constantly. Collect random shit. Scrawl survivor messages on walls everywhere and blast them over radio.

    I would absolutely use the Oval Office as my home base for a bit; I would give it a week before the novelty wore off.

    Break my way into storage facilities, both to loot the best goodies and to start using them to stockpile books.

    Iterate until I settle on The Perfect Graffiti Tag so I can mark buildings I have already checked out and collected anything of value.

  2. I’d find a place faaaaaaaar away from any nuclear powerplants, I remember reading about how after a few weeks of not being worked on, nuclear powerplants will eventually EXPLODE in a massive nuclear blast

    So I’d most likely go somewhere far far away, some small town away from it all.

  3. I’m chronically mentally ill, so if everyone I loved died, and there was no one to help me, I would probably end up killing myself.

  4. There’ll still be cats right?
    Become queen of all the cats I guess.

  5. Open gates and cages. Starting with the higher Apes in zoos, right through to animal shelters. Make sure farm animals have access to feed and water even if they are trampling food crops. I’m aware that many animals will die anyway, but at least the ones that can fend for themselves will get a chance. Yes there is a chance one of these animals will kill me.

  6. I would clean up and organize things knowing they would finally stay that way.

  7. i would probably think i’m the chosen one and must find a way to repopulate the earth on my own but i would have anxiety about it because my smooth brain can’t do maths

  8. I’d probably just wander around. Perhaps while staying away from the things that require people to monitor them to ensure they stay safe.

  9. Explore for abit and I guess rob gas stations and live off the land for food? Just have fun looking at what people used to do before disappearing, see the livelihood they left behind and become sort of nomadic. Overall I think the main issue would be starving off lonelines, especially with the guilt that I wasted all the time I had with the ones I love. No more spontaneous dates with my boyfriend or striving for marriage as a life goal, no more staying up late playing minecraft with the little brothers, no more hanging out with friends. The thought of the deafening silence and internal self conflict driving me to the brink of insanity is unsettling to say the least.

    Perhaps the insanity was already here but the conversations with people drowned out it’s roar.

  10. find myself a nice big mansion, maybe go thru their closets and upgrade my style. travel around probably

  11. The dream is I’d travel the world seeing all the natural wonders unpolluted by tourists.

    But the reality is I’d die in a fiery plane crash attempting to fly myself there.

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