Would you consider Cabo/Cancun more worth it than going to Hawaii or Miami?

  1. Which Americans? Cabo and Cancun are more affordable then Miami and Hawaii but I don’t know that anyone would specifically prefer them if money were not an option? Honestly aside from having beaches, they’re not really comparable destinations anyways…? Hawaii and Miami couldn’t be more different.

  2. Miami is a large major city. The beach is quite busy and largely accessible by the general public/residents and not that wide. It’s not exactly some oasis from the world.

    Hawaii is an (often expensive) 11 hour flight from the East Coast and a 5 hour time zone shift.

    They’re both generally *far* more expensive (for equivalent experiences) than Mexico or a lot of Caribbean destinations.

  3. I just left Miami last week from vacation. It was cool but its just too crowded to enjoy a peaceful day on the sand.

    EDIT: The Keys is where it’s at though.

  4. Hawaii is a fairly lengthy plane ride away, on top of being much more expensive considering it’s an island, any most/all luxury goods are imported.

    Miami isn’t an island, but still has cost/expenses that are through the roof.

    Cabo & Cancun – while not necessarily “closer” than Miami, do avoid a lot of the expenses that Hawaii gets stuck with, as well as the generalized “price hike” that Miami does.

    That and a lot of younger Americans want to get their passport and put the first stamp on it, even if it is just crossing to Mexico, which they might not necessarily get if they pick Hawaii or Miami.

  5. All the reasons others have said, plus Miami ain’t got no pyramids dawg. At Cancun you can make a side trip and see some cool ancient pyramids and pretend you didn’t just just go out there to get flayed on pina coladas while frying on a beach

  6. It’s cheaper to go to Mexico most of the time. Hawaii is pretty affordable right now though too.

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