Yesterday me and my husband had a big argument but while he was mad/arguing with me he started talking about when he has sex with me , he said “ I don’t even cum or I have to think of someone else to cum “ and also said he doesn’t even want to do it with me anymore. That hurt me so much idk what he said about thinking of someone else is true or just saying it cause he was angry and said that to hurt me . Because he’s the one that wants sex and we do it and he looks like he enjoys it so I really don’t know why he would say such a hurtful thing to me 😢☹️

  1. Even if it is true, he said it to be hurtful.

    And honestly, is he has to think of others to finish chances are he’s desensitized himself through porn or Instagram “models” and the like. Maybe masturbation. There are other legit reasons a guy may have trouble finishing, but these days they are less common than the one’s I listed.

    So in essence, he’s saying that he has broken himself so badly that he can’t have a normal, healthy sexual relationship but he’s putting that on you.

  2. He shouldn’t say those things, you will never forget, and he can’t talk back. Tray not escalate, if someone rises is voice just wait

  3. I guess there have been marriages issues for a while and him having to ask for intimacy finally has been too much of feeling rejected and unloved back that he wanted you to feel hurt like he does.

    I hope you two can work through this but you both really need to talk about whats going on deep down

  4. When they don’t respect you they don’t love you. Unless you have some compelling reason to not end this, you should be developing a divorce strategy. Plenty of good info online to prep for meeting an attorney. (Had an acquaintance whose ex blind sided her with a :get out of the house, want a divorce”. His children from a previous marriage were behind it.)

  5. Saying nasty shit to me in a fight or ever is an automatic divorce to me.

    Never once in our 15 years together has my husband been mean to me. Not even in our worst moments.

    I don’t tolerate that shit. That’s someone deliberately being mean and hurtful, it’s abusive and a sign you aren’t married to a real man with integrity.

    Also if he says these things and then refuses to talk to you… I think you are married to a narcissist. He’s deliberately withholding as a means to control and manipulate. And just know, it will never change or ever get better. NPD is incurable.

  6. That is a very specific thing to say just to hurt someone. In my opinion what he said is the truth in his mind and you deserve better

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