The title says it all…im 25m and i had 3 relationships in my life when the last one ended i was devastated so after my recovery i find I can’t approach a woman because I don’t know what to say and do. Also i fear the rejection…i really need your advice about that because i think it’s something permanent and it has affected my life in decent amount.

Thanks in advance

  1. You’re in a rut.

    I was where you are, and have never been good at talking to people (especially in a flirty way). But I met my fiancé on Tinder and everything is lovely!

    So don’t give up hope, the people are FOR you exsits!b

  2. if you’re the one making the first move rejection is a part of it! its hard but you can’t take it personally
    being comfortable with rejection is important

  3. Start with forming relationships with women that don’t require their validation. As in, don’t form a relationship with them to get something from them, but just to enjoy their company.

    Workplaces are good for this, as there usually isn’t an expectation in professional environments for people to hook up (unless you’re into that, I suppose).

    You just have to make a rule for yourself not to fall for any of these women that you form friendships with.

    After making friends with them, you’ll start realizing that women aren’t out to hurt you and that you can still have some positive relationships with them. You will eventually move on from the hurt you had from before.

    And once you’re ready to get back on that horse, with all the platonic relationships with women that you’ve formed, more women will see you as attractive as you have all these badass women who you’ve formed friendships with. And they’ll see that as attractive.

    And finally, I find that women make amazing wingmen 🙂

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