News items this morning tell us that skin cancer death rates for men in the UK have tripled since the 1970s. Men are now 66% more likely to die from a skin tumour than women. In the words of Baz Luhrmann, “Wear Sunscreen”.

  1. Most of the time, yes.

    As a side note, my dad is in his 70s and said “I don’t wear sunscreen” as I was slathering myself in it before we sat watching a football game in the hot sun…

  2. I barely go out in the sun compared to most, but you are right I should take better care of my skin. I’ll have to get some lotion when I get the money.

  3. I’ve had skin cancer and I have a lot of tattoos. That along with living where it’s regularly 90+ degrees I’m always wearing sunscreen and sleeves. I use Nivea face moisturizer with spf, neutrogena spf 100 sunscreen, and I wear compression sleeves on my arms when I’m at work.

  4. Yup, my moisturiser has spf15 and then I’ll apply suntan cream I’m I’m going outside for any duration longer than a few minutes.

    To hell with sunburn

  5. Please wear a wide brimmed hat too! I’m amazed how many pale skinned people walk around without hats in the middle of the day.

  6. I wear long sleeve shirts and a hat when it’s sunny. Light, breathable fishing shirt type stuff. Sunscreen most of the time. It’s no joke!

    Seeing all the wrinkly tanned ~~raisins~~ humans walking around at the beach is just crazy to me

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