What is your favorite song and why?

  1. “Rainy Night in Georgia.” Mournful, wistful, but still somehow hopeful. Great song, and it always takes me back to the night I first heard it.

  2. Your Man, because I’m bass and that’s a song I can sing even with my mouth closed (hyperbole).

  3. Ozzy Osbourne – Diary of a Madman

    It just takes me back a really vivid time in my life… back to the time that I discovered it around the end of highschool. It’s the last song on one of my favorite rock albums of all time… Diary of a Madman. Basically a journey through the mind of a man who’s going crazy.

    I remember being mesmerized by the complexity and genius of that song. It’s on an entirely different level. They managed to combine almost every human emotion possible into this masterpiece of a song that’s basically the story of a man losing his mind. While combining elements of rock, heavy metal, classical, and blues.

  4. oof……just too many to name. When it comes back to perfect songs I’ll always stand by “Sound of Silence” and “Whiter Shade of Pale.”

  5. Spirit of Radio – Rush.

    Master musicians, masterful lyrics, time signature changes, musical style changes, and a killer intro. I have to be real careful when it comes on the radio and I’m driving. Got a speeding ticket that way once.

  6. Picking one is so hard. I might have to go with *Three Days* by Jane’s Addiction. That’s a wild ride.

  7. Nights in White Satin by the Moody Blues. I’m just there in bed with a beautiful woman making love all night. So romantic.

  8. Picking only one is hard, so here are some of them (TL,DR: I need help lmao):

    – *505* by **Arctic Monkeys**. Makes me think of how I started falling in love with my boyfriend in the absolute worst moment of my life and how much he helped me overcome it so far. It reminds me heavily of 2020 too, a bullshit year but that holds so many memories. Evokes a feeling of bad nostalgia, a bittersweet moment, a spark of life within the shitstorm of 2020. I can play it in the ukulele and it’s my phone’s ringtone!

    – *MF Gloom* by **Strawberry Milk Cult**. I relate to each and every single line, word and letter. Reminds me of this year, of walking alone around the university campus late at night, nothing but this song, me, the liminality of those empty uni parking lots, the cold nightly wind. The fact that I relate to this song, and yet it has such a calm beat always soothes my mind when I’m overwhelmed with assignments, thoughts, fears, it helps me cool down. It sounds like “everything’s wrong but eh, what can I do, I’ll take my time to rest a little. At least for now. It’s all wrong but that’s alright”. If you ask me what my university experience is being like, this song is it!

    – *Sudno* by **Molchat Doma**. Same as before, mixed with unaliving-oneself tendencies and a calming message to “never die”. This song was written by a dude who attempted unaliving, survived and wrote this about how he regrets trying, and I think it’s very beautiful.

    – *Neon Gravestones* by **Twenty One Pilots**. It’s about not giving in to unaliving-oneself thoughts, how it doesn’t prove any points, and looking up to older people who dedicated themselves to life and not death. How you might think these things but hold on, don’t give in, you’re not proving a point and you don’t have to do it to make people believe you.

    – *Love Like You* by **Rebecca Sugar**. Literally me and my boyfriend’s relationship in a song and if I don’t play this in our marriage, bitch I ain’t gettin’ married.

    – *Missing Home* by **Nineishuman**. Wow, this is an underrated one. I makes me feel that funny bittersweet feeling, this feeling of hope towards the future that helps me cope with the present. It makes me remember all my plans and how much my life will get better when I move out of this toxic home. Makes me think of my bf again (sorry, I just love him a bit too much, can’t wait to live with him!), makes me think of how I’ll be in a new place, how I’ll start over, I’ll be free. It makes me think of the shitty present? Yes, but it makes me extremely happy due to thinking of the future. I have hope. I truly do.

    – *Alive* by **Guardin**. Same as previous and same as MF Gloom, it makes me think of the awful present, of how it’s ok if everything is in chaos, because soon, in the future, it’ll be ok. It’ll truly be ok. I just have to hold on.


    In order I think 505, MF Gloom and Alive are tied in the 1st place, then Neon Gravestones, then Missing Home, then Sudno, then Love Like You. Yeah, that’s it! I’m sorry that this is so long tho, you kinda touched my soft spot: music!

  9. Rainbow in the dark by dio or Sehnsucht by Rammstein I don’t really know but I love these

  10. Anything hank Williams sr. He sounds like he has experienced the things he’s singing about.

  11. My favorite song changes every hour

    Right now it’s probably Snuff by Slipknot, maybe because it represents perhaps my biggest fear in life

  12. Once a day – Mac Miller.

    Cant say if it is my all time favourite song but the one that first came to mind. I find amazing how he describes life (at least the hard part of it) in so few words, the melody just captures the mood of the song perfectly too.

  13. The Rock by Harry Chapin. He mastered the ballad, and this one gives me chills every time I hear it.

  14. Deliver Me by Parkway Drive. Because of the absolute understanding of rage that the song encapsulates. Everything in there is fucking perfect.

  15. Mr. Forgettable by David Kushner

    Written by David after, I believe his uncle, died of dementia. It’s simply quite soothing yet solemnly sad.
    To me, a very transparent view into someone not dying at once, but rotting over years and being fully conscious of it.

  16. I’ve got three:

    – Arctic Monkeys & Richard Hawley – *You and I* – this is probably the only time AM invited someone for a feature and the results are outstanding – this song is oldschool and raw in the very best imaginable way

    – Kanye West & Kendrick Lamar – *No More Parties in LA* – I’ve known this song for a few years now and still gives me chills every time I listen to it

    – Madonna & Anitta – *Faz Gostoso* – probably the best pop song I ever heard (music-wise, lyrics are pretty random)

  17. Symphonie Concertante, Movement I by Mozart. I love the light airy pulse and the violin-viola melody. It’s definitely Mozart’s best work.

  18. Echoes by Pink Floyd. The song feels like it’s taking you on a journey, and the lyrics are some of my all time favorite.

  19. Can name one for almost every decade and certainly any genre.

    I’d say my #1 of all-time is Push-Matchbox 20. Can jam out to that sumbitch on repeat.

  20. Mister Blue Sky never ceased to cheer me up. I listen to other songs more regularly but that’s like my go-to happy song.

  21. That’s a tough question as there are a bunch of songs I’d say are my favorite depending on the situation, but if forced to choose one, I’d say Kim Smoltz by Ween. It’s such a relaxing song, when I hear it I can’t feel anything but happy with life

  22. Simple Plan – Welcome To My Life

    No song sums up exactly how I feel quite like that song specifically. It’s like the band is putting exactly how I feel into the song’s lyrics. I’ve been getting better but I’m not completely out of the abyss yet.

  23. Whatsername by Green Day. The theme of looking back after moving on strikes home for me somehow. “In the darkest nights, if my memory serves me right, I’ll never turn back time, forgetting you but not the time”

  24. Things Are Getting Better by NERD. Just has a good vibe to it.

    Also Getting Better by the Beatles (besides the domestic violence part of the song of course)

  25. Sound of silence. Because i belive, people started to worship neon gods ( technology ) and nobody creating a deep conversation fave to face. All i hear is a bunch of nonsense words from most of people around me. People forget to communicate.

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