I’m a 24 y/o male and have always been interested in having a third person during sex. My gf and I haven’t talked about it much but when we do bring up the hypothetical, she seems to be open to it. It’s always been a fantasy of mine and would really like to try it out. How could I bring this up with my gf and also… how would one set this up?

  1. First off, you don’t convince her to do anything. If she’s into it, she’ll agree to it. As you said, you haven’t talk about it much. So start talking about it, but don’t try to force the idea on her or anything like that.

    IF she is truly into it, talk about what kind of person you’re looking for. Is it a man or a woman? Who’s off limit? Who’ll be the main attention? What are the boundaries? What to do if jealousy comes up?

  2. “Hey, I know we’ve briefly talked about having a threesome before, would you be into actually pursuing setting one up? If you’re into it what are the ground rules you want to be included (and then also include you own), and how would you want to go about finding that person (also include your own ideas). If you’re not interested or if at any point it becomes something you don’t want to go through with I am totally on board and would support either of us deciding to call it off.”

    Obviously don’t lie about your intentions, rules, what you’d be okay with or not okay with, etc. Being upfront is the best way to go.

  3. Be honest and ask. But you need to think about this a bit. When I see these posts the male half usually is requesting two females.

    Be prepared that your gf may want to explore with two males. If she agrees to your fantasy you should be prepared to satisfy hers.

  4. So in other words you are looking for approval to have sex with someone else even though you are in a relationship ( committed? )

    Really ?

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