a long time ago i lied, i lied about something big for no specific reason and it got worse and worse and now years later i remember it and feel terrible wha do i do, i don’t want to tell anybody that i lied because it was THAT bad, help i don’t want to feel like this forever …

  1. Guilt comes to show us that we’ve done something that isn’t in line with our values and who we are, so that we don’t do it again. Sometimes the process is just accepting that you did something and from this you have learned that you won’t do it in future, and give that guilt permission to drop away. We can’t change the past but we can grow and learn and make better choices. Everyone makes mistakes. How would you feel talking to someone you don’t know in a confidential setting? Sometimes the process of offloading can be really helpful. There are lots of support lines and webchats, so you feel it would be helpful to talk about it? It isn’t essential though, if this guilt has made you decide you wouldn’t do this again then it has served its purpose and is no longer needed.

  2. Go read or listen to “No more Mr nice guy” it helps massively with toxic shame and being able to love yourself!

  3. Did your lie cause someone else physical, emotional or social harm? If so, you most definitely should come clean.

    From your post, it sounds like this is causing you emotional harm, and you are worried that coming clean will cause you social harm (damage to relationships and reputation).

    If something is so bad that it’s causing you to lose sleep and exist in a negative headspace, you should do your best to remove that thing.

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