So a couple months ago, when I was still in highschool (Ive graduated now) I asked a girl I liked if she would like to spend some time together. She said yes and we went and hung out at a starbucks for an hour. The problem is, is that for some reason, and I’m hating myself for it but I never asked her if she wanted to do it again. So now im really struggeling on what to do. I have made a message I want to send ti her explaning everything but I keep chickening out, so I could use some words of incouregment to send it, also if you have any advice on how to make my message better please do share.

Hey [her name], I wanted to apologize for my dissaperence, and I also wanted to tell you the truth. But first Im sorry I havent texted or tired to reach out since we hung out at starbucks. I had alot of fun and I really would like to do it again, the reason why I never texted back is because I suck at this, and for some reason my mind just kept me away from texting you or reaching out. So I am so sorry about that, and I also wanted to say that I really like you, I’ve liked you for a while now and ive been fighting a battle inside myself for the past couple months on if I should tell you that or not. Like I said I would really like to hang out again, maybe go to a reasturant or something, but if your not interested or your mad at me for the radio silence I completly understand and you wont hurt my feelings by saying no.

1 comment
  1. Don’t send that, it’s full of apologies and you’re already expecting them not to be interested…honestly, you need something a bit more confident and more “simple”. Tough love: your message just screams “this person needs constant reassurance because their self esteem is at a 0”.

    Something like:

    “Hi! I had a really fun time when we went out together a few months ago to starbucks, life has been a bit of a turmoil ever since and I apologise for not following up earlier than this. Would you like to have a coffee again sometime? I heard the new xyz summer drink is amazing”

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