Just as the title states, I should be starting my period within the next couple days. I also have a date with my boyfriend tonight after not seeing him since last week. So I’m fully anticipating some sexy time to happen. It’s a fairly new relationship and we’ve only done the deed a couple times, so I’m still not fully comfortable with him in that aspect.

I’ve always heard rumors that sex can “knock it loose” and make you start while in the act but I’m curious how true that actually is?

I know if I randomly started my period while we were hooking up, I’d be mortified. Is this something I should let him know before hand.
“Hey, just so you know my period should be here any day, just in case things get a lil weird down there tonight.” Hahaha

Or am I over thinking this and should just let it be?

Update (for anyone that cares):
We did the damn thing, I also DIDNT tell him that I would be starting my period soon, proved to be difficult to bring it up while we were in the heat of the moment. BUT luckily for me, he did not “knock it loose” and I didn’t have to be embarrassed. Haha

  1. Having an orgasm can start your period, yes.

    It’s nothing to be worried or ashamed about but yes, absolutely let him know you are about to start your period, give him the heads up.

  2. Lost count of how many time my dick went in white and came out red.


    Do warn him beforehand. He might freak out if it’s a new experience for him or if he’s not into it.

  3. Not sure what age you guys are or what, but just be open about it. Stick a few towels down on the bed and have a splendid time. My girlfriend says sex on her period makes the pain and discomfort much easier to handle. However i’m aware this might be a new/young relationship

  4. Hahaha this brings funny memories. I’ve started my girlfriends period about 3 times while we were having sex lol not too bad. Usually the blood kind of clots and we just have to wipe it off if me with a towel. No real issue. She also has a hormonal iud so no liquid blood, just coagulated blood that sorta behaves like snot. It’s a non issue

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