I’m 20M and every time girl asks abt my body I’m trying to avoiding exact number. I’m worried if she found out ik not angel at all she won’t regard me as bf lol

  1. To some, yes. I’m of the opinion don’t ask, don’t tell personally. On the rare occasion someone asks, I’ll change the convo or joke about how I’m not going to tell them exactly. Really I don’t know remember the exact number but either way I don’t see much good in divulging that shit.

    If they’re not cool with it (never happened to me), then whatever, it’s on them to deal with

  2. Women care about social status, and thats why they ask you. They don’t want to date a dork with no bodies because they’ve been with tons of men.

    I’m not judging you, staying abstinant isn’t bad. Just saying women do care alot.

  3. Everyone on this sub will tell you they don’t care, bit the reality is most do.

  4. Girls and boys care about something that has nothing to do with them.

    Grown, mature, adult men and women don’t.

  5. I really genuinely don’t think that’s anyone’s business. She needs to work on her insecurity and stop asking if you’re clearly not comfortable answering. It’s a lose lose anyway. If she doesn’t know, she’ll assume the worst, and if she does know, she’s insecure and will work herself up. No one’s business.

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