My (20M) girlfriend (20F) of almost 5 years wants to lose weight and has a plan to go to the gym almost every day to accomplish it. It is summer break in our country so she has no school. I work from home and start at around 7:30am. We planned to wake up at 5am, drive to the gym which opens at 6am and workout for around an hour. I asked her yesterday if I should wake her up at 5am, she said yes. I wake up at 5 am, try to wake her up but she has a pretty deep sleep so I shake her a little bit and when she wakes up I ask her if she wants to go to the gym and she is pissed off that I always ask and that she is so fat. I say that it’s ok and we can go later if she wants. I want to go to bed again but she says I should go home to my mom and insults me. (I live together with her and her parents) I just wait a bit till she calms down and sleeps and go to sleep too.


Those situations occur quite often where she is pissed off and insults me like that I am the worst boyfriend ever or that I should go fuck my self.


Do you have any idea what I can do to improve the situation?

  1. Yeah this won’t improve unless she realizes that this is disrespectful and not how she should treat a partner and actually does something about it.

  2. When she WANTS to workout, she will.
    She obviously doesn’t want to change herself that bad, or she’d be trying. if you’ve asked so many times and she keeps saying no, then she’s not interested. if you keep budging, then it’ll only frustrate her more.
    When she is ready, she will go.

    But if you really are trying to help her, for health related and loving reasons, then you can maybe suggest other things, such as going for walks together, even just a walk on the beach burns some calories! cook her some fancy healthy meals she’d enjoy. there’s other ways of going about things too! But unfortunately sometimes you can’t help someone until they are ready to help themselves.

  3. Ask her how you’re supposed to know when to follow her previous day instructions and when not to.

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