I told my older sister that I was intrested in a guy but that he never really seemed too look at me like anything more then a friend. She knew who I was talking about and assured me he did and that I just needed to use my sex appeal to reallyget more noticeable reactions. I’ve heard the term thrown about here and there but I’ve never actually bothered looking it up until now and then I realized I basically have none. I’m just kind of bland compared to most of the examples I got.

Is there anything I can do to help with that like wear something loose or something else?

  1. > Is there anything I can do

    Yes, you can *communicate verbally and explicitly*. “Showing him you like him” is a way to convince yourself that you’re putting yourself out there without actually putting yourself out there. It protects your ego from being hurt if your interest isn’t reciprocated, but that’s because your interest is never communicated.

    “Hi, I’m interested in dating you. Would you like to ask me out?” or “Hi, I’m interested in you, do you want to get a coffee and flirt?” are two good, simple, and clear ways to communicate your interest. “I wore a top that makes me feel slutty but he didn’t try to kiss me” is an attempt to *make* someone else *think* something, and that **doesn’t work**.

    Wearing clothing that socially codes you as being sexually available will invite interaction from people comfortable with it- which is usually more often people who’ve had a couple beers and maybe don’t respect boundaries, more than *the specific person* you want to attract. If that’s what you want go for it! But it’s a broadcast social signal and there’s no telling whether your crush is going to pick it up.

    If what you want is **a particular person** to understand that you’re interested in them romantically or sexually, and that you’d like to know if they reciprocate, the best option is to do so with **words**. Nothing wrong with sort of “gearing up” and putting on an outfit that makes **you** feel powerful and confident. Go ahead and put on your hooker thong and your push up bra and that shirt that makes your tits look great, march up to the guy and say “I want to go on a date with you. Coffee. This weekend. I’m totally nervous.” And wait for his response.

    *Don’t* put on your hooker thong and your push up bra and *stand next to him waiting for him to notice your tits and ask you out.* Unless what you want is to be asked out by dudes that notice tits, that’s not the best method. There’s a lot of dudes that notice tits. Or ass. Or hair. Or whatever.

    Wear whatever you want, whatever makeup you want. I’m not trying to slut shame you or tell you to potato-sack yourself. Slutting up is great, women should wear whatever they feel comfortable or powerful in and *nobody* has the right to treat them poorly because of their outfit. All I’m saying is that dressing like *you* feel *he* should notice and then ask you out isn’t how to get a date.

  2. (to answer your specific question instead of responding to the problem you have;)

    local custom non-chain lingerie place, get a consult, spend a couple hundo on underwear that makes you feel awesome and sexy. Ditto a high end tailor’s or clothing store that does a style you like, get some outfits you feel awesome in. Ditto a high-class makeup place for a consult, get some styles and techniques you look great in. Wear the underwear and the makeup and the clothes so you feel like goddamn Wonder Woman or Captain Marvel or some shit and strut, *strut* with confidence because you know every woman on the street wishes she was you and every man wishes he was with you (and some vice versa). Your attitude is how you express sex appeal. When someone looks at you with that “I just took a hammer to the forehead and my brain’s rebooting” look, you’ve sex appealed them.

    The clothing you wear is for *you*, by the way. I’ve had women lounge naked with more sex appeal than with clothes. I’ve had women in their pajamas grab me and say stuff that blew the top of my head off. Clothes and makeup and underwear can’t hurt, I’m just saying that’s probably the easiest way to feel like the million bucks you authentically are, and that confidence is where sex appeal comes from.

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