how often do you and your partner sit and talk a day or week?

  1. Every day for various moments throughout the day. We sometimes also just stay in the same room without needing to say anything. Just in dead silence with the background noise of our kids.

  2. We try to have coffee together in the morning. But Lately it’s hard because she ain’t getting up at 4am.

  3. Every day. But life gets busy so that could be 20 minute or it could be 2 hours. Often several times a day as long as time allows for it. I kinda really love talking to my girlfriend

  4. Every day. I usually get home after her so well grab coffee and just talk about how our days went, bitch about work together.

  5. Usually we have our best talks laying down in bed for the night.

    Pro tip: if you are going to have a heated discussion (or something that you think is likely to lead to a heated discussion, or have been arguing a lot), then talk about it laying down. It defuses the anxiety/anger/threat response.

  6. Also every day. At the very least, when we go to bed at night. But usually more

  7. Every night for 10 to 30 minutes no matter what

    We plan our course correction motions for the kids.

    The we sleep.

  8. Currently we are long distance but we have an understanding of talking every other day or so . She’s rather busy with circumstances so the last thing she needs is to worry about texting me everyday and giving me attention.

  9. Every night we put the kids to bed and sit on the couch and talk for 15-30 minutes and then usually put on a TV show to watch an episode or 2 of before bed.

    We went a long time with no talking, just straight to a TV show back when our relationship was not in a good place.
    And now that we’re reconnecting, I really enjoy the talks.

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