I have been friends with L (m21) for the past 2 years. I’m not here for the judgement on that, our friendship works for us and we’re super close. A few months ago, L introduced me to his family. We got along great, and I offered to help out once a week with chores. Since it’s just L’s mom and 2 younger siblings, we’ve gotten somewhat close. Recently, her and the kids have asked about my age a little (his mom asked me how old me and my siblings, L’s sister wanted to put my birthday on the calendar since it’s later this month, and asked how old I’d be).

L and I discussed it and decided to tell her I’m 18 for now, so that’s what I’ve been saying. I’ve started feeling like it might be better to be honest with her, especially if L and I continue to be friends for a while. I also turn 18 in a little over a week, L’s mom and I are friends on social media, so she’ll definitely find out that way if I don’t.

What would be the best way to bring it up? L’s family loves me right now, and I feel guilty. L says to just tell her he told me to say 18 and put the blame on him, but I think that makes it look worse, if it seems like he can make my decisions for me when I’m already so much younger.

Also how do I tell the kids (10 and 7) that I’m a liar?

I’m also not close with my family, so I’ve been going to L’s for easter, the fourth of july, and (hopefully) thanksgiving

Tl,dr- I lied about my age to my older friend’s mom so she wouldn’t think our friendship was weird, now I’m feeling guilty and want to tell her, and if I don’t she’ll also find out from social media in a week

  1. I would tell L’s mom that I made a silly mistake and lied and said that I am 18 just to seem more mature. I would do it in a normal, albeit private conversation. L might be present.

    If I was 7-10, the lie about the age wouldn’t bother me at all.

  2. The reason he wanted you to lie to her is because that an adult who has such a close “friendship” with a teenage child is incredibly sketchy, and if his mom has an ounce of common sense she’ll be horrified.

  3. when your birthday comes alomg you could honetsly just tell you you said you were 18 because you were turning 18. i dont think you turning 18 in just the few months you knew this woman is a big deal tbh

  4. If you were close to being 18 when you told her you were 18, I would honestly tell her you said that because your birthday was so close.

  5. You say they asked this recently. Depending on how recent, you could probably just get away with saying you told them you were 18 since you were turning 18 so soon

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