Recently started at my first regular office job in years. I’ve always kinda been a loner don’t interact with people much, so I hate having to constantly repeat myself.

I understand the social aspect of saying good morning, but I’ve been getting annoyed ***having*** to say it so many times in the morning. If someone wants to have a quick talk and greet me, sure, but the default good morning feels like a meaningless “social convention”. Someone passes by my desk, says good morning, forcing me to say it back, then moves on.

Can I just say “hi” or nod? Do I just need to put on my big boy pants and say it back?

  1. You don’t have to use those exact words, but you need to acknowledge the speaker in some way.

  2. People who nod when you speak to them come off as rude. It comes off as a sign of assumed superiority.

    Saying “hi” is less rude. I don’t know what to tell you here. Sometimes you have to take one for the team. Being known as the asshole who never speaks to anyone isn’t usually conducive to a healthy career or life.

  3. I don’t say anything in response most of the time. Nodding is more than enough.

  4. So say “howdy” or “hey” or “mornin” instead?

    IDK man if you’re gonna be around people 40 hrs a week it won’t kill you to be pleasant. One of those people might someday be in a position to get you a better job and they’ll remember whether you were cool or not.

  5. Born and raised here and I find it annoying. I’m the first one in the office every day. It’s a formality with no real emotional meaning. I rather just put a sign on my desk that says “good morning” lol

  6. Nope, you can always give the middle finger, but some may be offended.. ……me myself would laugh

  7. Yeah, unfortunately. I normally get away with a quick ” ‘morning” and a nod without breaking my stride

  8. You can say, “morning” and not look up. This is a southern thing. It is like saying hi and the time of the day at the same time.

  9. The person saying “good morning” might be the most interesting person you meet today. Maybe they did something amazing over the weekend, and the story they’d tell you if you showed any interest would have you howling with laughter. Or maybe not. The point is, *somebody* you cross paths with today will be the most interesting person you meet today.

    Turn it into a game, and try to figure out who it is. Keep a daily ranking going in your head. “Bob saying ‘good morning’ was pretty dull. Olivia said that really offensive thing about Canadians in the elevator. That was cool. Still, she can’t top the crazy guy on the subway, talking about the 5G signals. Now HE was interesting.”

    Maybe, if your daily “interesting people” score is too low, you’ll start wishing co-workers a “good night” or a “see ya tomorrow” at the end of the day. They’ll think it’s because you’re outgoing and you care. But you’ll know it’s because they’ve all been dull as sand all day, and it’s your last chance to get some points on the board.

  10. It depends how you feel. Sometimes the best response to a friendly “good morning” is an aggressive “fuck you!”

  11. I say looks like someone’s got a case of the Monday’s, or it’s Huuuummmppp day, or start singing Fridays. I also get hit a lot.

  12. Just answer “what’s so good about it?”

    People will start leaving you alone.

  13. I don’t say anything and just act like I didn’t hear them, nobody is going to force me to talk to them.

  14. Basically any acknowledgement or greeting will work. You could literally just nod and smile if you don’t want to say anything.

  15. With all the April 1st posts, I wasn’t sure if this was serious or not. Yeah you can just say Hi or Hey and keep walking.

  16. I’m a “howdy” kinda guy. But a nod works too. If your acknowledging what they said then you’re in the clear.

  17. Hey, hello, hi, a nod, a smile, a little wave of the hand, anything to acknowledge the person speaking is usually good enough.

  18. Once you get to know people better you’ll be able to adapt your responses to the person you’re speaking to. Depending on who it is I’ll say good morning back, offer a different but equally socially appropriate greeting, say something sarcastic, like, “Prove it,” or say something goofy, like, “Word to your mother.”

    But if your broader question is whether you need to observe social niceties in the workplace, the answer is that there are social consequences for failing to do so, and it’s up to you whether this is so important to you that you are ready to accept those consequences.

  19. A simple “Good Morning!” written in sharpie on your forehead will solve all your problems.

    You’re welcome.

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