I’m freaking out right now. So I had unprotected sex twice with a girl recently (I’m a guy) and she said she was clean initially but turns out she never tested for herpes. The last encounter was 7 days ago, first was 11 days ago. I’ve developed no symptoms yet. However, just today she got tested positive for hsv 1(oral herpes). I’m freaking out and feel like the chances of me having it are significant?

I got tested two after the last encounter, but it was negative. Can I be tested soon to be sure? How accurate was the test I took a week after my first encounter? I’m just so sad that I made this stupid mistake.

We didn’t kiss that much but there was quite a bit of oral and piv sex

What are the chances that I have herpes?

  1. *heavy sigh* you’re very likely to get it over the course of having sex period. (67% have oral herpes).

    Get tested. Talk to a medical provider about herpes education.

  2. So she hasn’t been diagnosed with herpes? Highly unlikely as she most likely doesn’t have herpes and even if she did it is only transmittable when there is active blisters.

  3. Its hard to get tested for genital herpes if you don’t have open sores, most screenings do not include it. So hope she tells the truth that she doesnt get sores? And as for oral herpes dont kiss/have oral with someone with a cold sore. If you want to guarantee youll never get oral herpes abstain from human contact because most people have it

  4. My ex GF has oral and genital herpes. We had unprotected oral, anal and vaginal sex for 11 years, but not during breakouts. I still don’t have it.

  5. As someone with HSV-1 ive done a lot of research on this. This is only transmissible when theres an outbreak. If she had a cold sore at the time of the affair, then yeah id get tested because HSV-1 can be transferred to the genital region and its a permanent thing. There is no cure for it. Upwards to 2/3 of the US population has it, if not around 3/4. It’s definitely manageable but can be irritating and the whole virus is definitely misunderstood and exaggerated.

  6. I have hsv1. I don’t think I have ever had a sore, but maybe when I was 12?

    I’ve been with my wife for 25 years. She has not contacted it yet. We have a lot of sex.

    Also, something like 70% of people have it, and if you think about the fact that a lot of people have only had <4 partners, that means most people who make out with more than 5 people probably have it.

    Don’t freak out.

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