Whats the nicest way to reject someone?

  1. “Hey, I had a really great time but I just don’t feel we are compatible. But I wish you all the best with your search!”

  2. just be honest, say your not interested in a romantic connection or a friendship if it’s that, don’t say if things were different blah blah. Just be staright.

  3. Say both “thank you” and “no” in no uncertain but respectful terms. A sentence like: “Thank you but I am going to say no” would work.

  4. With both the honesty and kindness you’d like used if the roles were reversed.

  5. Clearly, politely, and unambiguously.

    Don’t leave any room for confusion.

    Don’t leave them feeling like you thought they were too pathetic to give a straight answer.

  6. Write them a poem:

    “Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    Welcome to dumpsville;
    Population – you”

    You’re welcome. 🤣🤣🤣

    Sorry, I don’t have any good suggestions so attempting silly humour.

  7. “I’m not interested in you, but I will allow you to perform sexual favors for me so that you’ll always keep a glimmer of hope that I might change my mind.”

  8. I respect you and everything but the thought of you makes me throw up in my month a lil

  9. I think the person that is rejecting must be kind and say it in a easy and soft way, show appreciation for the person’s feelings. I think since it’s a emotional moment , the most kindly you are, the less painful it will be for the one who’s getting rejected, try to point out some of the qualities that person has and try to tell that your not looking for a relationship.

  10. I mean, the nicest way would be “sorry no, but can I offer you a million dollars instead?”

  11. Directly and not too specific. Never tell someone why you’re not attracted to them (romantically or otherwise) it just fucks with their head. If they really like you and were already self conscious about whatever the reason/flaw is, that is going to cut deep. Otherwise it’s hard to mess up the tried and true “I’m sorry but I’m just not feeling it” or some rendition of that. Its vague but certain, direct and doesn’t point out a reason or flaw about them.

  12. about me don’t jugde me when i say this i never asked anyone to keep me or to keep them there’s no nice way just ignore them or be honest with them and leave no one special .

  13. Say they’re obviously a great person but you don’t have romantic chemistry with them.

  14. DONT LIE! Just tell him, he’ll be like “aight” probably be bummed about it for a day, and be back to their cheery self

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