I’m struggling to write this right now but I’ll start with a little about me/us… We are both 35, been together for about 8 years, own a home, and have an awesome 3 year old toddler. Lately things have been rough relationship wise – and apparently the feelings were much more one sided and worse than I realized.

I know I’m not perfect, I could do a little more around the house, etc.. but it’s also not like I’m dragging my ass around the house either, I take care of the dishes regularly, cat litter, shopping, all the yard work, house repairs, anything manual labour related, and most importantly I spend alot of time with our kid (getting him out of bed, breakfasts, daycare lunches, typically do dinner for him too). Whereas my wife tends to do most of the cleaning, laundry, etc… But admittedly she does a lot of work behind the scenes that I didn’t list and probably don’t appreciate enough.

I guess we both feel like we’re getting the short end of the stick in terms of work load around the house and with our kid… This seems to be boiling over now. We’ve been bickering lots and now I’m in a position where I’m trying pretty hard to change some of my habits around the house to help out more in terms of cleaning, etc… (though this is more of a recent thing due to the current events), trying to be more thoughtful, etc…

Currently, my wife will barely talk to me, barely look at me, and it feels like she’s constantly looking for anything to snap at/be mad at me over – think like walking on egg shells around dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (she’ll be happier for bit then boom barely talking to me over something that I often times don’t understand).

I don’t know what I’m expecting with this post (and I may delete it later), but I feel very alone, sad, afraid, depressed, scatter brained, and basically been on the verge of tears for 3 full days. We do have some couples counseling coming up which I’m hoping has positive results.

Thanks for reading (listening)

  1. Sounds rough, you should also both see a therapist separately. Probably before the couples therapy

  2. Do you still have sex with your wife? If no that could play a big part of your problem.

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