When I was a kid, 21 was was a much bigger deal, but these younger chumps surrounding me disagree.

  1. For me it was 18 as being classed an adult and legal for alcohol, etc. For my relatives it was my 21st.

  2. In this country it’s 18. You can do everything once you are 18.

    21 is a big deal in America because that’s the drinking age.

  3. 18. There’s nothing you can do legally at 21 that you can’t at 18 (which is probably the cue for Reddit to point out I’m wrong).

  4. 21 was the age when you were regarded an adult until 1970, when it was reduced to 18. My parents made a bigger deal out of my 21st (in 1997) than my 18th. My daughter just turned 18, which was a big deal for her and my wife and I, and I feel compelled to mark her 21st when it comes around, but I’m not sure why, other than she’ll be allowed to be a driving instructor…

  5. I think that 18 is bigger for those under 18 but 21 is bigger for those over 21. If that makes sense at all?

    Like, you feel 18 is massive when you’re a kid. That’s when you become an adult and can do everything.

    But when you are 25 you look at someone turning at 18 as still a kid but someone turning 21 as more of an adult, they’re finishing uni, getting jobs and (should be) a little more grown up with more life experience under their belt. So it feels more significant

  6. 18. Age 21 doesn’t mean anything here really. 18 is the age where you’re an adult and can do more stuff. Saying that I didn’t do much for my 18th other than have a meal out

  7. I’m turning 18 in just under two months and don’t see it as a big deal at all, don’t care other then being able to get pissed on away days. Can’t imagine 21 will feel any more exciting

  8. 18 in the UK but globally 21 is the age where the kiddie wheels come off entirely.

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