Hey guys, so first off this is my first time on here, but I didn’t really know who else to go to, so I thought I would ask. I’m in high school so obviously being romantic is difficult, but I have been “talking” to this one girl for like 3-4 months, and we’ve gone back and forth about dating, I want to, but she doesn’t like titles, so I have just been trying to convince her to like make our relationship official, even though in reality it already is, everyone already thinks we’re dating. But recently she went away to a sleep away camp for 3 weeks in which I could not text, call, or reach her in any way, and I found this time really difficult. But she got back like 2 days ago, and is now at her family place in Illinois, and she isn’t responding to any of my snaps, or messages. And I know it’s petty, but I looked at her snap score, and it’s gone up, so she’s reaching out to other people. But totally ignoring me. And I just have no idea what to do about her, should I keep texting till she says something, should I just ignore her as well? I need some advice.

  1. If you’ve already sent messages there’s no point sending more. Unanswered messages speak for themselves. You’re just going to have to wait until she decides to respond. I’m not going to try and speculate what might be the issue.

  2. Don’t message anymore, she knows you’re sending them and she’s ignoring them probably because she doesn’t know how to say she’s not interested anymore. If she wants to talk to you she would have by now, more than likely she doesn’t want a relationship over the summer so she has the “freedom” to do what she wants without feeling guilty. Accept that the no responses means she doesn’t care and if she really liked you she would have said something by now. It sucks and it’s annoying that she can’t even respond to tell you what’s going on but some people are crappy

  3. This is complicated. Girls when they want to let a guy down always face the possibility that they will get angry, or even violent. Sounds like she said *no* to bf/gf and you refused to accept that answer.

    She made the mistake of continuing to engage with you in chats, which gave you hope that her answer was malleable.

    You never said if the two of you have kissed, or had sex, but if she said no and did that stuff, she’s evil. She led you on, and at the same time kept her options open for other guys.

    In any case, she’s either not interested, or she’s stringing you along hoping for something better. Move along.

    Don’t be angry with her though, romance is not something people do well in their teens. She’s (hopefully) just as inexperienced as you are. Mistakes are to be expected.

    Avoid her, and say NO to alone time. If you have to work with her for a class, that’s OK, but nothing extra. Unfollow her and look for someone who actually wants you. Don’t waste your teen years with an unsuitable girl.

  4. Dude you have been too needy and desperate about making things official and also about answering her texts. Basically she moved on, you turned her offs

    Never ask a girl to be official, just let her be the one to bring it up on her own.

    You don’t need something to be official, you just need to be making out and doing naughty things without the boyfriend and girlfriend labels.

    Don’t text her more, the more you text with her ignoring you the more annoying and desperate you come across having the opposite of what you seek.

    Even if you want closure, she is unlikely to give it to you. So don’t expect it, flirt with other girls meanwhile.

  5. Time to move on. What you told us is pretty straightforward and simple.

  6. Ok update: I listened to you guys, and I decided to end things with her, here’s to hoping there is someone better for me 🫡

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