as the title says, i broke up with my boyfriend of two years. why? because it’s been 3 months that he’s not putting effort to keep our relationship alive (or at least not the amount of effort i find enough for us to stay together).
i still love him. so much. but for the first time ever, i’m loving myself more.
he’s leaving the country next month and i kind of feel guilty that i might have ruined his last month but in the same time, he told me that he felt single for the past month.
i know i made the right decision but right now, i cannot help but think that maybe love was enough to save our relationship despite the lack of effort, communication, time and commitment.
i’m heartbroken but looking forward to the next few days.
did i do something wrong?

  1. Something that I feel is overlooked in relationships, especially long term relationships, is compatibility. You can be smitten and deeply attracted to someone, share and connect on many values and interests and be committed to each other but if the timing is not right then it may not be worth it.

    Drawing boundaries and ensuring your cup is full is very important. Relationships shouldn’t be where your happiness is dependent on. It should heighten your life quality not worsen it. If you feel you are not receiving the respect or the effort you feel you deserve then you may need to reflect on the relationship itself. Its kinda why I feel young relationships / high school couples do not go the distance since some move away to other cities/states for college and are focusing on their career and grad school.

    Beatles lied to us honestly. We require more than just love. We require commitment, work and meaningful time together for a life long and rewarding relationship.

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