I \[29F\] have been single and dating for 11 months now and using apps to meet guys. I have had a few 6 week long relationships but nothing is coming of it. I am running into the same sorts of things guys super interested at first with promises that they want a relationship but then dump me because “it’s great I’m just not ready”. I understand that perhaps some are just saying that because they are just not that into me. However, I truly also feel I am not meeting a lot people on the same page or at the same level of emotional readiness for a relationship, despite my best efforts to “vet” people. All of my friends are either married or in a relationship so my options for going out are limited and maybe I need to make some single friends.
Any advice for how to get out there without the apps or advice on dating with apps would be great…. sincerely a burnt out single millennial just trying to find love.

  1. How are you vetting this guys. What are you looking at. What is a dealbreaker you’ve say moved on from a guy in that time period. And first look seems like you are just fulling for the guys that all are words no actions.

  2. Unfortunately, dealing with duds is unavoidable. Are they saying they want a relationship to have sex? Are they in a similar life stage to you? Maybe run your impressions of these guys by your friends to get a second opinion. Perhaps your vetting process needs some refining. But could also just be that you guys weren’t a good fit

  3. Well, I’m actually on the opposite side of the spectrum.. Firstly, a lot of women on the app seem flakey in that they are just looking for money. It has become an economic sex venture. I’m more of a loyal man on a simple mission: search, confirm a mutual connection, phone communications, go out on actual date, and close the deal.. Unfortunately, the money ideology kills the vibe, with the many other problems and issues, I’ve noticed, in between as well.

  4. Another factor is the inauthenticity of the app itself.. As a programmer myself, the app can be very buggy at times. Further, I absolutely believe that some accounts are fake and generated directly from the app itself 🤔

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