What does male friendship mean to you?

  1. being close enough to trust each other with *some* of our secrets, share some fun times and be there to help eachother in times of need…

    …just like any *other* friendship?

  2. Acceptance and someone who is there for me and has my back.

    My best friend is special. Couldn’t ask for a better guy to have as a friend.

  3. friendship . . . with a male. Or it might even imply between 2 males specifically.

    Works better to run your friendships based on each individual rather than based on some group identity like sex.

    What does black friendship mean to you? Doesn’t make sense as a question, does it? Tailor your friendships to each individual.

    Using masculine tropes is fine for finding a starting foot, but once you actually know a person a little, it’s about him, not his sex.

  4. ***Loyalty***

    I have a friend who is like a brother that has moved away and has formed a family. I don’t see him of course,and sometimes we don’t talk for days on end. When we do link up however, it’s right where we left off – with the jokes and bullshit.

    I say this because there are “friends” who talk with and spend every day with you, but lowkey aren’t really “in your corner” so to speak.

  5. Male can be friends with females. But can’t be best friends. If she is unattractive to you. Then it might work. If not, It will become sexual one way or another. You can argue to the end of the world but it just how it is.

  6. The same exact thing as female friendship? I don’t treat one sex differently from the other in friendships.

  7. Honestly, nothing.

    I never had real close male friends and the person I considered a friend is a narcissist that basically used to humiliate me in front of others.

    If I survived this alone at this point, sorry, I do not need friends.

  8. It means a fair deal. That said, usually the only male friends I’m interested are trans.

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