I’ve admittedly been freaking the hell out. I took an STD test a few days ago and got the results yesterday and tested positive for chlamydia. I’m unsure how I could’ve been positive since I never had any sexual partners before, and neither has my partner outside of each other. We also always use protection too and don’t even have sex too often because of our schedules.

Edit: I should specify that I’m a woman, and he’s a guy since a lot of responses are confused.

  1. Chlamydia doesn’t come from nowhere. Someone had some type of sexual contact. Luckily Chlamydia is treated easily.

  2. Chlamydia doesn’t manifest out of thin air, you should press your partner on this.

    Note that chlamydia can also be spread via things like sex toys that haven’t been properly cleaned.

  3. Someone’s lyyyiinnnggg chlamydia doesn’t just appear. You had to have got it from someone…

  4. Luckily you got one of the most curable STD’s.

    Unluckily you got it from your partners sidepiece.

  5. Reminds me of a story where a lady said her husband got ghoneria from his disposal face mask while on a business trip Lol. Not likely.

  6. 1. Very very unlikely, but it could be a false positive

    2. You or your partner is lying about other sexual partners

    3. Any chance someone borrowed ur sex toy?

  7. You can get Chlamydia from animals (doesn’t need to be sex involved) been around koalas lately? That’s an extremely common one.

  8. He’s lying to you. If you just got it, then he cheated. You get it from sexual contact. Something sexual happened. They could have had oral sex, anal sex, touched each other, etc. There was definitely genital contact.

  9. The only way to get chlamydia is by having sexual relations (oral, anal, penetrative ect) with someone who has chlamydia. If you have not had sex with anyone besides your partner, your partner had to have gotten it from someone else, which means you were cheated on. This may be a hard truth to accept as they were unfaithful AND put your health at risk.

  10. Yeah… someone is sleeping with someone else or has slept with someone else…

  11. No test is perfect. A quick google search showed something like a 1% false positive rate, meaning 1 out of 100 times someone without it would still test positive.

    If I were you id consider the following:

    1. Do you have any of the symptoms?
    1. If you have the symptoms, you probably have it, go get it dealt with.
    2. If you don’t have the symptoms, push for a re-test.
    2. As many people have said, it doesn’t not come out of nowhere, one of you had it before you got together or more likely one of you cheated.

  12. Everyone here is saying your partner cheated but I would ask to run the tests again before you blow up your relationships. False positives and mixed up test results do happen

  13. Ask in further detail; because your s/o could have said no other sexual partners when it came to sex but how about oral?

    Personal experience: Found out two years ago that me giving a guy head gave me chlamydia. Could also be the other way around mouth to vagina. That was a lesson I needed to learn for sure.

  14. Maybe get a confirmatory test. If a second test comes back positive, one of you isn’t being honest.

  15. Either he had sex before you and is lying. Or he had sex while with you and is lying. Either way, he’s lying.

  16. A lot of people saying probably cheated. Quite possible, but could he also have lied about his history? It’s not unusual for men to not have symptoms. He may not have known about it. If he lied about his history that’s still bad but not as bad as cheating.

    Also, I’m not sure on this, but is it possible to get it from oral sex? Did either of you have any sexual contact with other people before getting together?

  17. Those public restroom toilet seats will get you every time.

    That’s how my wife got pregnant.

  18. Don’t ask your partner if they cheated, it gives them the option to just say no and at this point the proof is there. I would say something like “look I know you cheated, chlamydia is passed from person to person and I can assure you I haven’t cheated so best to come clean” That will most likely push for the truth to be told. Be direct and firm.

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