I’m curious what it’s been for women/femmes/ whoever’s reading this. Looking for things like :
What have you learned?
How often do to check Reddit?
What annoys you?

  1. Enjoyable. I end up usually learning a few interesting facts each day. It’s just fun to talk to others too and discuss different view points and see how our people think and react to things. I am very happy to be a part of the reddit community.

  2. I check Reddit probably too much but I enjoy it. My favorite social media platform. It helps me feel less alone.

  3. Once I curated the shit out of the FP, it’s been fairly good. The blatant misogyny and Amero-centric attitudes in the comments bother me, but I love seeing so many other people’s opinions on stuff (like in this subreddit), learning new stuff about literally anything (because there is a subreddit for EVERYTHING) and getting countless cute animal pictures and videos. I’m on Reddit pretty much all day.

  4. I hate how I can’t escape the misogyny? Going public is ruining the website. I liked it better a few years ago.

    I have so many question Like…why did r/ Entertainment go so HARD for Johnny Depp? Why are half the posts on r/ TIFU are all ‘LOL I ACCIDENTALLY HIT HER WITH MY DICK’. Consider how r/ jokes is full of men who aren’t funny who recycle boomer wife jokes. Half the men on r/ antiwork think the abortion shitshow is just a distraction from getting their legal weed.

  5. I check it everyday. Recently I haven’t been enjoying posting or even venting. I posted recently in one of the communities about an experience that wasn’t meant to be taken bad, but I ended up getting downvoted and even bullied by one redditor. I wish I could post freely without being judged or trolled, but ever since that experience I am scared to even share my thoughts or even post. I feel like I am annoying or something. In a lot of ways it’s become negative more than positive for me.

  6. I like it for certain subs. Overall so liberal and people are annoying. But that’s life

  7. I’ve always gotten good, mindful opinions when I’ve asked for it. It’s nice to know there’s a whole space for people to be not judgmental & just share their experience and that can help someone else see things from another point of view.

  8. I usually just come on here for advice, but the replies to that advice are usually just insulting, for example i asked for advice on removing a spider from my room when i have trauma from spiders (spider bite put me in hospital for a good while) so i was obviously terrified of them, and everyone was just saying how i need to grow up, 100+ comments just telling me that, deleted the post, now im just commenting on things and replying for my entertainment so far no arguments, bored out my mind so thats why im still here 😂

  9. I hate how everything is so overly sexual on this site as if there’s not enough subreddits people can post there.

  10. I’m a biologist and genderfluid/gay, so you can probably guess. Some dumbass just today had the bright idea to DM me slurs, and all it did was make me laugh- it actually brightened my day quite a bit from the sheer idiocy they thought it’d hurt me feelings 😂 But then I get people who can’t read past a headline of a report I sent them to prove that yes, the scientific fact I stated is indeed a fact! And I’m both annoyed and incredulous lol.

  11. That it’s full of misogyny and other bigotry, except for the more liberal/leftist subs. Especially the mainstream gaming ones are usually really bad.

    But it’s also an incredibly useful platform with a lot of communities I really like.

  12. Curate subs. Turn off DMs and chatting. Take a break regularly. Kondo it every once in a while and ask if it still brings me joy.

  13. I was not prepared to read so many stupid takes. And just stupid stuff in general. And seeing stupid people… But there is r/cockatiel and r/guineapigs so i am staying for now.

  14. It’s been…alright

    Most of the DMs I get are either sexual harassment ones or death threats, I post a lot on video game subs and for whatever reason it ROYALLY pisses people off when they find out I’m a girl

    I’ve met some “okay” people on here but 99.9% Of the people who DM me or either creeps or assholes or both, the 0.01% I’ve met have been awesome and I play a lot of games with them

  15. A mixed bag. Sometimes it’s a total shitshow with some really horrible and nasty responses another times you get such incredible support and advice.

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