What age did the see the biggest change in your body shape?

  1. 14, I guess, but there wasn’t actually much change. I’m still waiting for my adult shape to grow in and I’m 21. So I think this is just what I look like lol

  2. when I was 16. I started becoming insecure with my body when I turned 13, so I was constantly working out… once I stopped cause I felt content, I didn’t really pay much attention to how I looked until I turned 16 and that was when all the insecurity started pouring in. Social media has influenced my views on my body a lot.

  3. Teenage years are obvious. But I felt unprepared for the changes I noticed going from my 20s into my 30s. Obviously, our bodies change all the time but I feel like it’s not spoken enough about all the different changes we can expect.

  4. 14/15 maybe. 1 puberty and then also had some eating issues that calmed down by that time so obviously some changes happened.

  5. About twelve or thirteen. I started getting hips and a slimmer waist. I legit thought I was wearing my belts too tight and it was ‘denting’ my body. Sigh…man I was dumb.

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